| November 24 2010

NEW YORK: Despite the sudden outbreak of renewed hostilities between the two Koreas, Universal Peace Federation (UPF) Founder Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon has reiterated his firm belief that a new era of lasting peace is close at hand. His confident prediction came at the conclusion of the UPF World Assembly 2010, which drew a crowd of over 3,000 at the Manhattan Center in New York.

 紐約:儘管突然重新爆發敵對兩韓之間,世界和平聯合會(UPF值)創始人文鮮明牧師孫中山先生重申,他堅信,一個新時代的持久和平就在眼前。他充滿信心的預測來的結論的UPF的世界大會 2010年,這吸引了超過 3000名觀眾在紐約的曼哈頓中心。

“We are living in a historic time of great transition,” Dr. Moon said. “It is a time for a great revolution to change history, to unite the spiritual and physical worlds and to create the ideal kingdom of heaven that God has longed for since the beginning of time.”

文博士說 “我們生活在一個重大過渡期的歷史性時刻,”。 “這是一次為一個改變歷史的重大革命,統一精神和物質世界,並創建一個神已經長久渴望的理想天國。”

Back in April, when the South Korean navy ship Cheonan was sunk by an alleged North Korean torpedo attack, Rev. Moon called for restraint in a tour of major Korean cities, and held special seunghwa ascension services for the 46 South Korean sailors killed in that attack.


“Ultimately, the problems afflicting humanity can only be resolved through an ideology based on the true love of God,” he said. “At the same time, we must be concerned to liberate the grieving heart of God, the heavenly parent who lost his beloved children. How many of you have spent days and nights in tears, yearning to comfort our Father in Heaven?”

他說“最終,困擾人類的問題只能通過神真實的愛之思想基礎上才能被解決 ”。 “與此同時,我們必須關心在天上的父神失去至愛的孩子的悲痛心情。你用了多少日日夜夜的眼淚,渴望著安慰我們在天上的父神呢?“

Rev. In Jin Moon, President and CEO of the Unification Church opened the program by urging those gathered to become the new “peace generation” the world needs. Georgia State Senator Donzella James called for a return to traditional values and affirmed UPF’s commitment to marriage and family.

統一教總裁兼總會會長文仁進牧師,以督促聚集一起成為世界所需要的新“和平世代“來作議程的開幕。佐治亞州參議員Donzella James呼籲回歸傳統價值觀和肯定UPF對婚姻和家庭承諾

Dr. Hyung Jin Moon, who serves as the UPF International Chairman, spoke not only of the need for interfaith dialogue and cooperation, but insisted that spiritual values must serve as the foundation for good governance and harmonious international relations, referring to his father’s call for an interfaith council at the United Nations.


Dr. Hussein Hassouna, the Ambassador of the League of Arab States to the United States was a featured speaker. He commented on the importance of the UPF’s Middle East Peace Initiative, launched in 2003 to work for reconciliation despite deep historic resentments. “I know that resolving the situation in Palestine with justice, equality and fairness, to the betterment of both sides, has long been a goal of the UPF, as it is of us all,” he said. “Yet such an outcome cannot come solely through political, diplomatic and economic efforts. It will need the application of universal principles that help all the parties go beyond the artificial barriers and boundaries that have been created by race, religion and nationality.”

阿拉伯國家聯盟大使及在美發言人Hussein Hassouna博士,他評論UPF在中東和平倡議的重要性,從2003年開始進行對歷史性怨恨的和解。 “我知道,解決巴勒斯坦局勢的正義、公平和公正,以及改善雙方,已長期以來一直是UPF的目標,因為它是我們大家,”他說這麼說。 “然而,這樣的成果不是光靠政治、外交或經濟上的努力而來。這將需要以全方位的原理性方針協助所有黨派能超越種族、宗教、國家間所製造的人為障礙與界限。

Ambassador Anwarul Chowdhury, the former UN Undersecretary-General who served two terms as President of the UN Security Council applauded the UPF’s vision of UN renewal. “Tonight’s gathering, with representatives of 194 nations seated in conference, supported by the prayers of religious leaders of every faith and creed, and watched over by thousands of observers, is truly a model of what a Peace UN should and could be,” he said. Chowdhury has been successfully campaigning within the UN and the NGO community for the adoption of a Decade for the Culture of Peace.

安瓦爾喬杜里(Anwarul Chowdhury)大使,前聯合國副秘書長誰擔任兩屆安全理事會總理,讚揚UPF重建聯合國的願景 。他說 “今晚的聚會,此會議有194國座席代表在,且被每一個信仰和教義的宗教指導者的祈禱所支持,和被數千名奉行者所注視。是一個真正聯合國應該和要成為的典範。”。喬杜里(Chowdhury)已成功地在聯合國和非政府組織實現樹立和平文化年代。

Many in the audience said they left with a renewed hope for peace. New York professor, author and ethicist Dr. Lucinda Mosher observed “It was truly uplifting and respectful of all faiths, and I fully support the understanding that the United Nations will only be able to fulfill its mission by putting God and faith at the center.”

United Methodist pastor Dr. Luonne Rouse agreed. “Father Moon is speaking with absolute commitment, revealing the pure truth without hesitation,” he said. “We must let the world know about this critical and opportune moment.”

許多聽眾表示,他們留下了一個新的希望和平。紐約教授、作家和倫理學家博士路辛達 莫雪兒表示“這確實是令人振奮和尊重所有信仰,我完全支持這個共識-聯合國將唯有把上帝和信仰至於中心才能完成它的使命。 “
Rouse 表示贊同。 “文牧師說的是絕對的承諾,無疑地揭示最合乎正道的真理,”他說。 “我們必須讓世界了解這個關鍵和時機。”

Contributed by Dr. Michael Balcomb, Communications Director for the Universal Peace Federation (UPF)


翻譯:Google Translator    校對:LiangWei Chen





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