








Autobiography Sun Myung Moon - A Peace-loving Global Citizen


On October 1, 2009, Sun Myung Moon's autobiography,
"A lifetime in pursuit of peace AS A PEACE-LOVING GLOBAL CITIZEN", was released in Washington D.C.

A best-seller in his native Korea, the book, now translated into English, gives Western readers an opportunity to learn more about a man whose deeds and goals have been the subject of international attention for decades.

Excerpts of the foreword of the book: A lifetime in pursuit of peace AS A PEACE-LOVING GLOBAL CITIZEN.

By the Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

True Love is a heart that gives and gives, and wants to continuing giving. True love is a love that even forgets that it already gave love, and gives love again. I have lived my entire life intoxicated in such love. I wanted nothing aside from love, and I threw my entire being into the effort to share love with my impoverished neighbours. At times, the path of love was so difficult that my knees buckled under me, but even then I felt happy in my heart, dedicated to loving humanity.

Even now, I am filled with love that I have not yet been able to give. It is with a prayer that this love will become a river of peace saturating the drought-stricken land and flowing to the ends of the earth that I now place this book before the world. Recently a growing number of people have been seeking to know more about me.

For the sake of those who are curious, I have looked back on my life and recorded my candid recollections in this book. As for the stories that could not be included in this volume, I hope there will be other opportunities for me to convey them.

I send boundless love to all those who have put their faith in me, remained by my side, and lived their lives with me—and especially to my wife, Hak Ja Han Moon, to whom I am deeply grateful for struggling with me to scale the most difficult peaks.

Finally, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Eun Ju Park, president of Gimm-Young Publishers Inc., who poured out much sincerity and dedication in the process of bringing this book to publication, and to everyone in the publishing company who labored in editing the words I spoke so that the often complex content could be easily understood by readers.

Sun Myung Moon, Cheongpyeong, South Korea, March 1, 2009.





http://www.sekaijin.jp 統一教会(統一協会)の創始者、文鮮明師による自叙伝「平和を愛する世界人として」のPV。銀座ホットビジョンで定期的に放映さ





各國大使對文鮮明牧師的見證(한국어 자막)

本書慶祝紀念會~各界代表的祝賀 from Global Citizen on Vimeo.


Ambassadors  testimony  Reverend Sun Myung Moon




白盛皓 記者 | 2009.03.11 15:57查看韓文原文



1991 年11月30日至12月7日,文鮮明總裁訪問了朝鮮。據說,為了迎接文總裁,金日成主席當時提前在主席公館門外等候他的到來。文總裁說:“(見到彼此的那 個瞬間)金主席和我都沒有說話就擁抱在了一起。我是徹徹底底的反共者,金主席則是共產黨的領袖,然而理念和信仰此時都不重要,我們就像是失散多年的兄 弟。”

儘管自傳中沒有寫到,但是當時還有這樣一個小插曲。擁抱在一起時,文總裁情不自禁地在金主席耳邊叫了一聲“大哥”,朝鮮方面的隨行 人員都嚇了一跳。一位當時也在現場的統一教相關人士回憶道:“聽到這聲‘大哥’,金主席爽朗地笑了起來。直到合影的地方,他都握著文總裁的手不曾松開。合 影時,兩雙手也緊握在一起。”據說,與訪客一起拍攝紀念照時,金主席通常都會將兩手背在身後,很少會與訪客握手合影。

自傳中還寫到了兩人 一道用餐的情景。金主席在席間說道:“只要在白頭山獵過熊,就一定會喜歡上這一活動。熊雖然看起來很蠢,但實際上相當狡猾。”他講起了自己與野熊一對一狹 路相逢時的故事:“看到我之後,那頭熊立在原地一動都不動。如果這時候為了躲開它而跑起來的話,您應該知道會發生什麽事吧?我和熊就這樣彼此對望著,時間 很快就過去了兩個多小時。白頭山的寒冷是出了名的,被熊吃掉之前我可能會先被凍死。”文總裁催問道:“啊?那後來怎麽樣了?”金主席拍著桌子,邊哈哈大笑 邊回答道:“哈哈,坐在文總裁面前的我是人還是熊?這就是答案。”聽到這句話,文總裁也開懷大笑起來。





文鮮明自傳台灣官版 http://peace-loving.tw/

文鮮明師の自叙伝公式Webサイト  http://sekaijin.jp/index.html


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