天宙和 平聯合會-Universal Peace Federation
全球華人和平聯合會-Global Chinese Federation for World Peace
白令海峽和平王大橋/隧 道計畫-The Bering Strait Peace King Bridge/Tunnel Project
文鮮明博士牧師於2005912紐約創立此終極和平機構:「天宙和平聯合會」的大會上,提出了:「歷史性的,因著撒但,東與西、南與北被割裂; 地理性的,因著白令海峽,北美大陸與俄羅斯大陸被分隔。我提議,在這白令海峽上造一座大橋或鑿一條海 底隧道。這座我稱為「世界和平王大橋/隧道」的通道,將連接到一條「國際高速公路系統」,如此世人就可以用汽車巡迴奔馳全世界,從南非好望角到智利聖地牙 哥,或是從英國倫敦到美國紐約,穿過白令海峽,世界就可連結,成為一日生活圈。」
In founding the ultimate peace organization: "Universal Peace Federation" in New York on September 12, 2005, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon proposed: "…that we build a passage for transit across the Bering Strait, where Satan has historically divided east and west, and north and south, and where the North American and Russian land masses are separated. This passage, which I call the 'World Peace King Bridge Tunnel', will link an International Highway System that will allow people to travel on land from Africa's Cape of Good Hope to Santiago, Chile, and from London to New York, across the Bering Strait, connecting the world as a single community."
「實現這項計劃會把世界凝聚成一個地球村,它會拆除所 有撒但造成的種族、文化、宗教與國家間之藩籬,並在我們的地球上建立和平世界,這是神深切的渴望。美國與俄國能夠合而為一,歐洲大陸、中 國、印度、日本、巴西及所有的國家,甚至世界上所有的宗教都能結合他們的資源,一起實現這項計劃。這項計劃的成功將會決定性地推動全人類實現一個互相不再 有戰爭的和平王國。
白令海峽通道是連結明日的一座橋,或更精確地說 是一條隧道。鐵路歷史性地帶來了經濟成長和伴隨和平而來到的繁榮。現在正是改善全球運輸系統的時刻,並使富裕國家能夠幫助第三世界中的較未 開發國家。
  The Bering Strait passage is a bridge to tomorrow, or rather a tunnel. Railroads have historically brought economic growth and prosperity which bring peace. It is time to improve the global transportation system so that the wealthy countries can help the less developed countries in the third world.


和平王隧道將使世界合而為一,並破除種族、文化、宗教和國籍 之間的藩籬。它將為實現地球和平做出巨大貢獻,這是神的盼望和旨意。
 The Peace King Tunnel will unite the world, knocking down walls of race, culture, religion and nationality. It will contribute enormously to bringing peace on earth, which is the hope and will of God.

文鮮明牧師‧博士:「如果台灣能 夠帶頭推動完成白令海峽計畫,國際社會肯定會尊敬台灣對世界和平的貢獻,如此台灣將可以免除中國對其的威脅。」
  Rev. Dr. Moon: "If Taiwan can take the leading role to accomplish the Bering Strait Project, definitely the international world will recognize and respect the contribution of Taiwan to world peace, then Taiwan will not need to worry about the threat of China."

   全人類與全球華人的共同願景:天下一家‧世 界大同-太平聖代地球村:通過美蘇、韓日以及台海兩岸之合一共榮(完成白令海峽、韓國對馬海峽與台灣海峽和平王大橋/海底隧道的創建工程)與永久和平!
   The common vision for all mankind and the global Chinese community: One Family under God/Heaven-Everlasting peaceful global village: through the unity and co-prosperity of crossing-strait America-Russia, Korea-Japan and Taiwan-China  (accomplishing the Bering Strait, Korea-Japan Strait and Taiwan Strait Peace King Bridge/Tunnel extreme engineering projects) and forever peace!



The first priority for GCFWP is to summon up all Chinese to offer their greatest!  


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