What is Unificationism-統一教是什麼?
統一教就是要達到天人合一,並完成﹝所有﹞宗教目地,也就是重新連結神與人之間關係的宗教-Unificationism is the religion to achieve Heaven-Human unity, and re-link God-Man relationship, thereby accomplishing the purpose of ﹝all﹞religions.
統一教就是要達到個人心體合一,家庭父子、夫婦、兄弟(姊妹)合一;並達成宗教與科學統一、精神文明與物質文明統一的運動。- Unificationism is a movement to achieve individual mind-body unity, father-son unity, husband-wife unity and two-brother (sister) unity in the family; and to accomplish the unity of religion and science, that is, the unity of spiritual civilization and material civilization.
統一教就是天父主義(統一主義)、神主義、真愛主義(真父母主義),並要實現東、西半球,亦即全球合一;以及靈界與地上界,也就是天宙和平統一的主義!-Unificationism is the ideology of Hamanimism (Oneism), Godism, True Lovism (True Parentism); to realize the unity of East and West hemispheres into one united Globe; and the unity of Spirit world and Physical world-that is, Cosmic peace and unification!