
40年綁架、監禁、強暴4000 統一教 徒事件

(統一教 拉致監禁.人権侵害.통일교 일본 납치 인권침해.Unification Church Kidnapping)


統一教 文國進 20090905

    "did you know that since 1966 our Japanese members have been systematically kidnapped by deprogrammers?  For 43 years our members have been kidnapped, beaten, tortured and in some cases raped.  And their faith was yanked (forced) away from them. They were forced not to believe in what they sincerely wanted to believe.  Were you aware of this fact?  This is the reality of our church in Japan, and the government has turned a blind eye towards this criminal kidnapping enterprise.  You have the communist attorneys and the Christian ministers who basically trick parents to kidnap their children, and they get paid for it! 

The ministers get paid to harangue these student members for years, until their faith and souls are broken.  Since 1966 there have been over 4,000 cases of kidnapping in Japan.  Over 4,000!  Yet the government has not made one criminal prosecution – not one!  Not one individual has been prosecuted for the criminal kidnapping of over 4,000 people of faith.  Can you believe this?  Is this reasonable?  This is Japan, the second wealthiest nation on earth, where religious freedom is guaranteed in the constitution. "

By U.C. Moon Kook Jin 20090905


統一教 文亨進 牧師20090926

    "You may know the situation we talked about  last week. 1966, starting with Pastor Murayama, an evangelical, and a group of pastors, an illegal organization was created and the abduction of Unificationists began in Japan.  This was in 1966.   At first it was very small like ten abductions per year.  We have the graphs, the statistics.  But by 1993, it was reaching a height of 375 illegal kidnappings in one year.  That is one Unificationist per day, being kidnapped illegally, forced into confinement against their will in a free democratic society.  More than one per day.  These incredible crimes happened. "

 By U.C. Pastor Moon Hyung Jin  20090926


後滕先生-Mr Goto.JPG

這個事件是在一位日本的統一教弟兄被綁架監禁“12年又5個月後“逃出來後,事後所爆發的40年 綁架監禁甚至強暴4000多位統一教信徒的事件。右邊是後滕先生在12年又5個月後逃出來的照片。






If you could support us , please foward this letter and blog website,

thanks very very much!

U.C. Chen Liang Wei /統一教 陳亮瑋 20100725     

以下是綁架案相關重要影片/Important Video about Kidnapping~

因後滕先生而爆發的綁架事件I  Kidnapping I(日語) 



因後滕先生而爆發的綁架事件  II  Kidnapping I I(日語)  



 統一教針對綁架案作詳細報導 I(日語)

/Report from Unification Church I 


English       韓文

統一教針對綁架案作詳細報導 II (日語)

/Report from Unification ChurchII


English       韓文

統一教針對綁架案作詳細報導 III (日語)

/Report from Unification ChurchIII


English    韓文

統一教 針對日本會員被綁架事件在韓國召開記者會(日語-韓語)



日本 桧田元衆議院議員對此次綁架案表達之意見(日語Japanese)

/Speaking from 桧田元 Congressman




Special Sermon for Kidnapping event in Korea I



主題影片位置(Video time for subject):17'47''~27'07'


But did you know that since 1966 our Japanese members have been systematically kidnapped by deprogrammers?  For 43 years our members have been kidnapped, beaten, tortured and in some cases raped.  And their faith was yanked (forced) away from them. They were forced not to believe in what they sincerely wanted to believe.  Were you aware of this fact?  This is the reality of our church in Japan, and the government has turned a blind eye towards this criminal kidnapping enterprise.  You have the communist attorneys and the Christian ministers who basically trick parents to kidnap their children, and they get paid for it! 

The ministers get paid to harangue these student members for years, until their faith and souls are broken.  Since 1966 there have been over 4,000 cases of kidnapping in Japan.  Over 4,000!  Yet the government has not made one criminal prosecution – not one!  Not one individual has been prosecuted for the criminal kidnapping of over 4,000 people of faith.  Can you believe this?  Is this reasonable?  This is Japan, the second wealthiest nation on earth, where religious freedom is guaranteed in the constitution. 

你知道嗎?自從1966年日本的會員(統一教信徒)被洗腦人士有系統性地綁架。有43年我們的會員被綁架、歐打、折磨,甚至有 些被強暴的案例。且他們的信仰被強迫放棄。他們被強迫不去信仰他們內心想要信仰的。你有察覺到這樣的事實嗎?這是日本教會(日本統一教)實際現況,,而日 本政府卻對這犯罪綁架集團睜一隻眼閉一隻眼。有共產黨律師和基督教牧欺騙父母來綁架他們的子女,且他們得到來自父母的付款。牧師得到付款後,就對學生會員高談闊論,直到他們的信仰和心靈破碎。自從1966年起,在日本已經有4000多個綁架案例。4000多!政府還沒有起訴一個犯罪迫害,一個也沒有!沒有人因為綁架超過4000多位信仰者被起訴。你能相信嗎?這合理嗎?這是日本,地球上第二富有的國家,一個宗教信仰被憲法保護的國家。

You know, we have one brother whose name is Mr. Goto.  This brother was kidnapped and confined for 12 years and five months, locked up in a little apartment and nearly starved to death.  When he was finally able to free himself from that dungeon, this is how he looked.  He is actually a tall man, yet when he walked out of that prison he looked like a Holocaust victim.  Can you imagine being in prison for 12 years and five months?  Having Christian ministers coming in and telling you that what you believe is not true, that you're a heretic and going to hell and God knows what else?  Being beaten by people who you thought cared for you?  Is this just?Can societies who claim to believe in human rights or proponents of democracy and liberty endorse this?

This is absolutely outrageous and unbelievable that this happened – today – in Japan, the second wealthiest country in the world, where democracy has been instituted for over 50 years!  My brothers and sisters, you can see from these pictures that religious freedom does not exist in Japan, not if you choose to believe in a religion that is unpopular.  If societies and governments fail to protect those that are in the minority, then does freedom really exist?  Does choice exist?  What happened to our values and righteousness, our sense of what is right and wrong?

你知道嗎,我們有一弟兄名字叫後滕先生。這位弟兄被綁架並且監禁12年月5個月,被鎖在一間小小的公寓裡餓到快死。當他最後從那個地牢裡得到自由 後,這就是他看起來的樣子。他是一個實際上高的男人,但當他 走出了那個囚牢時他看起來像一個大屠剎的受害者。你能想像被囚禁12年5個月嗎?所有的基督教牧師進去且都跟說:你信仰的是錯的,你是個邪教徒會下地獄而 神知道什麼? 被認為在關心你的人歐打。這合理嗎?一個宣稱崇奉人權或倡議民主的社會能合法化這種事情嗎?這完全的不像話且無法置信這樣的事發生-在今天-的日本,世界上第二富有的國家,一個民主法治被創制超過50年的地方!我的弟兄姊妹,你從這些照片看到宗教自由並不存在在日本,假若你選擇的信仰不受歡迎。假如社會和政府捨棄保護少數族群,那自由還真的存在嗎?選擇權是否存在呢?我們的價值觀念和正義感、分辨是非能力將會如何呢?

These are some of the questions I came to ask myself as I uncovered these issues.  I see the sincere devotion of our dear brothers and sisters who are literally martyring themselves for their faith, just as early Christians martyred themselves in the Colosseum as they were consumed by lions and wild animals.  In one sense, when we see these individuals we really have to re-examine ourselves and ask, "What does it mean to have faith?What do my religion and beliefs mean to me?"  Because there are these individuals who have gone through hell and because they refused to give up their faith our church could survive. This is not only one person, but 4,000 people who were violated. 

There is even one case of a sister who was kidnapped, imprisoned and raped continuously for three months.  The police did nothing.  No prosecutions were made.  Then when her father found out about the details of the kidnapping that he had authorized, he committed suicide.  These deprogrammers who are running this business are exploiting fathers and mothers into doing atrocious crimes against their own children.  And yet the government does nothing, claiming that it is just a family matter, in which the government should not be involved.

這些問題使我要求我自己來暴露這個議題。我看到我親愛的弟兄和姊妹為他們的信仰長期的受苦而卻真誠的奉獻。就像早期的受難的基督徒在羅馬競技後場內被獅和野獸吃掉一樣。某種意義上,當我們看到這些人我們真應該再好好檢討並問自己:擁有信仰是什麼意思?我的宗教和信仰對我什麼意義? 因為有這些人已經走過地獄而且他們拒絕放棄他們的信仰使我們的教會能存活下來。這不是只有一個人,而是4000多遭侵犯的人。更甚至還有一個姊妹被綁架案子,被幽禁和強暴連續三個月!警察什麼也沒做,沒有任何起訴告發。當她父親得知被他授權綁架的詳情後,他自剎了。這些洗腦人士從事這種生意來剝削父母而進行如此惡劣罪行來反對他們的子女。然而政府什麼也沒做,宣稱那只是家庭的問題,而政府不應該牽扯。

Brothers and sisters, I do not believe their positions are just (I do not believe that this is just).  I think it is utterly morally and ethically outrageous!  This cannot be, not in today's modern society.  We cannot let this be. 



講道內容全文 Sermon file

Sepember 5, 2009 Sermon. Rev. Kook Jin Moon from on Vimeo.



Special Sermon for Kidnapping event in Korea II



主題影片位置(Video time for subject):15'55''~24'22''


I bring attention to this because in Japan we have been systematically persecuted for the last  forty years. Since 1966, anti-Unificationist Christian ministers – who were not that many in Japan, the Christian community is very small in Japan – but certain anti-Unificationist Christian ministers and communist educators, and a group of lawyers who are partnering with them, have created an illegal, criminal organization to illegally kidnap Unificationists. 

These are some of the people.  (Photos shown on the big screen)  These are some of the ministers and de-programmers, so to speak. They have created an illegal criminal organization, illegally kidnapping Unificationists. Illegally kidnapping them, torturing them and forcing them to agree to THEIR teachings, holding them against their will, in a democratic country. This is the second most powerful economic country in the world!

我 使你們注意這個是因為在日本我們在過去的四十年被系統性的迫害。從1966從,反統一教牧師-剛開始在日本並不多,那是在日本還非常的小-但在一些反統一 教基督教牧師、共產黨律師、和一個律師團加入他們後,一個綁架統一教徒非法的、犯罪的集團被組織起來。這些是某些人的照片(在影片投影幕上),這些是牧師 和洗腦者,可以這麼說。他們成立了一個非法的犯罪組織,非法地綁架統一教信徒。在一個民主國家中,非法地綁架他們,折磨他們,且迫破他們去接受他們的教導,控制他們並抵制他們的意志。這是世界上第二大的經濟強國。


This organization makes tens of thousands of dollars per kidnap victim who is de-programmed – anywhere from $10,000 to $30,000 per person, per head.  So it is an illegal business; and it is organized and systematic.  We have up to 5,000 cases of Unificationists that have been kidnapped – 5,000 brothers and sisters . . . 5,000 people!  When North Korea kidnaps ONE person, a Japanese person,  that’s all over the news – all over the news in Japan, in Korea, everywhere.  But 5,000 citizens of the nation of Japan are illegally kidnapped against their will, and not ONE  media article about it!  Not ONE! 

這個組織綁架洗腦一個人可以賺1萬-在任何地方每人-或人頭從1萬到3萬。因此它是一個非法的商業活動,且他是有組織性和系統性的。我們有快近 5000個統一教信徒曾被綁架的案子-5000個弟兄姊妹....5000人!當北韓綁架一個人,一個日本人,幾乎所有的新聞傳遍日本、韓國、及各地。但 5000日本人民被非法的綁架剝奪他們的意志,而沒有任何一個媒體報導它,一個也沒有!


For the last forty-three years the severity of these cases is such an outrage, from kidnappings that happened from the duration of a week to a month, and in Goto-san’s case, twelve years and five months.  Twelve years and five months! He was kidnapped. He was forced to live in an apartment. He was starved.  Twelve years!  He went in when he was in his late twenties, and he came out at forty-one.  This is our brother! This is in the nation of Japan! This is outrageous! (Pointing to photos on screen)

He was starved, look at him -- he is 182 cm, that’s about six feet one.  He was thirty nine kilos when he left, when he escaped after twelve years.  That’s like seventy pounds.  He was totally starved.  This is a human rights violation.  This is violation of the freedom of religion, the fundamental core of a democratic state.

在過去的四十三年這些案子傷害是這樣的惡劣,綁架的發生從一個星期到一個月,然後有後滕先生的案例,十二年又五個月。十二年又五個月!他被綁架。他 被強迫住在一間公寓。他飽受飢餓。12年!他在二十九歲進去,出來時四十一歲。這是我們的兄弟!這是在日本國家!這實在是荒唐!(指個螢幕上的照片)他餓 得快死,看他--他182公分,大概有六尺高。他離開時只有39公斤,當他十二年後逃出來。那大約相當70磅。他真的被餓死了。這是一種人權侵害。這是一 種件信仰自由的侵害,在這以民主為核心的國家。


In another case we have a sister who was kidnapped and she was systematically raped for three months . . . three months . . . everyday . . . because they knew about the Fall. They understood the Principle.  And so in order to break her marriage, and to defile her so vehemently, they organized systematic rape of that sister.  This is real. This is our daughter, our sister.  The father who paid those people to do that, who paid the de-programmers, the illegal criminals, to do that – he found out about what happened to his daughter, and he committed suicide because he was so guilt-ridden at what he had done to his own daughter. 



We have other sisters that had taken their lives in the apartments while this was happening to them.  This is in a democratic nation which professes freedom of religion!  This is outrageous, brothers and sisters! It’s absolutely an eggrevious violation of human rights, of fundamental democratic minority rights…human rights.  This has happened systematically to our 5,000 brothers and sisters. 



I was talking to some Japanese sisters who this happened to.  They told me they cannot return to Japan.  They can’t.  If they go to Japan, they know . . . they live with the fear.  They are returning to the second most powerful democratic nation in the world.  That’s really,  very wild, if you think about it.  It seems so unreal.  They’re returning to one of the "safest" places in the world.  This is not a war-torn area, as you know; this is not a third world country. And they cannot return.  If they return, it is with fear that they will be kidnapped. 



We had one sister who testified just Thursday that her Korean husband came and had to forcibly rescue her.  Thank God, Korean husbands do something right sometimes! (laughter)  You know . . . my God . . . it’s outrageous!  I saw this quotation in Matthew . . . let’s put the Scripture back on [the screen].

Matthew 7:15, 21-23: “Watch out for false prophets…..Not everyone who says to me, “Lord, Lord”, will enter the kingdom of heaven but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.   Many will say to me on that day, “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name - did we not kidnap in Your name? -and in your name drive out demons - did we not persecute in Your name? - . . . . Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you, go away from me, you evildoers.’”  If there is something truly evil in this world - and there ARE forces of evil - then this violation towards Unificationists  is a serious evil indeed. 

我們有一個姊妹星期四剛作見證說她的韓國先生來到並強力的挽救她。感謝神,韓國的先生有些時候還做對事!(笑聲)你知道嗎…我的天…這真的不像話! 我看到這段引句在馬太福音,讓我們再回剛才的經文(在螢幕)。馬太福音 7章15節,21節-23節:“你們要防備假先知…「凡稱呼我『主啊,主啊』的人不能都進天國;惟獨遵行我天父旨意的人才能進去。當那日必有許多人對我 說:『主啊,主啊,我們不是奉你的名傳道,奉你的名綁架,奉你的名行許多異能嗎?我們不是奉你的名殘害人』我就明明的告訴他們說:『我從來不認識你們,你們這些作惡的人,離開我去吧!』假如這世上有真的邪惡,且有邪惡的力量-而這樣的對統一教的侵害就確確實實的是一件極度邪惡的事。


So we will do something about it.  We will absolutely work.  We are taking class action law suit against these criminals (we are bringing them to court).  We are bringing this to the attention of the media. We are organizing this not only in the United States, but also in Korea, and also in Japan.  We will be sueing them (making them accountable).  We will be working with the law. We won’t be irrational.


講道內容全文 Sermon file

September 19, 2009 Sermon from on Vimeo.


在韓國統一教有關綁架事件的特別講道 III

Special Sermon for Kidnapping event in Korea III



主題影片位置(Video time for subject):14'50''~24'36''


You may know the situation we talked about  last week. 1966, starting with Pastor Murayama, an evangelical, and a group of pastors, an illegal organization was created and the abduction of Unificationists began in Japan.  This was in 1966.   At first it was very small like ten abductions per year.  We have the graphs, the statistics.  But by 1993, it was reaching a height of 375 illegal kidnappings in one year.  That is one Unificationist per day, being kidnapped illegally, forced into confinement against their will in a free democratic society.  More than one per day.  These incredible crimes happened. 

你或許知道上星期我們提到的事情,1966年,從一位基督教福音派,及一個團體的牧師森山論牧師開始,在日本一個誘拐 統一統徒 的非法組識被創設。這是在1966年,一開始它是非常微小約一年誘拐10個人,經我們有分析和統計,在1993年,它已經達到一年非法綁架375人的高 峰。那是一天一個統一教徒被非法綁架,並在民主社會中,被強制限制他們的個人意志。一天一個以上,發生這樣荒誕的犯罪事件。

In 2009 Kook Jin Hyung was assigned to Japan. He went to reorganize the church there.  And when he discovered what was happening he could not believe it.  We were just briefed (informed) on this a couple of weeks ago but he was so shocked at the severity of these human rights violations.  The  amazing thing is that  since it started in 1966 exactly 43 years have passed.  It mirrors exactly the 430 years of persecution that the chosen people of Israel had to face under oppression. 


Why didn’t the members do anything about this?  This is an egregious crime in a democratic state.  Why didn’t members do anything about it?  We were so shocked.  What is happening? Why are members not doing anything about it?  But we realized that  a certain culture  had developed. 


Brothers and sisters, after being kidnapped, running for life, many had to jump through windows, as you know with the Goto-san’s case.  We have Goto-san here [picture].  Goto-san was abducted and kept for 12 years and 5 months. It was illegal kidnapping, forced confinement.  Twelve years. He was kidnapped when he was 29.  He emerged (came out) when he was 42.  He is over six feet tall.  He weighed 39 kilos when he got out.  He was completely emaciated. 

弟兄姊妹,在被綁架後,許多人的生命被拋出窗外般,如你所知的後藤先生(Goto-san)的案子。這邊我們有後藤先生的照片,後藤先生被脅持有12年又5個月。那是非法綁架及監禁。12年,當他被綁架時是29歲,但他逃出來後是42歲。他有六尺高(180公分)。但他逃出來後,他的體重只有39公斤, 非常的消瘦。

This is  in Tokyo in Japan in an apartment; he was confined for12 years, all through his thirties.  His entire life during his thirties is gone.  And he emerged, left that area, was able to get out, 12 years 5 months later.  He went to the police and they did absolutely nothing about it.  And then he went out into the street and tried to find the UC HQ building. Because  12 years and 5 months had passed  he did not  know where to go; we could have moved, we could have changed.  So he was walking in that general direction. 

這是日本東京的一棟公寓;他被監禁12年,他所有 三十幾歲的歲月,他失去所有三十幾歲的生命。而在十二年又5個月後,他才從那個地方,再出來。他去找警察,但他們幾乎什麼也沒作。後來他走進街道中,嘗試尋找統一教會的本部大樓。因為十二年又5個月過去了,他不曉該怎麼走;我們可能搬離或變更,因此他就往那一般方向走去。

 The first person he bumped into, he asked, “I need to find the Unification Church headquarters.   Could you point me to their headquarters?” and amazingly that first person he met happened to be one of our sisters. She brought him to the church but it was very amazing.  When he arrived at the church everyone was shocked. 

Here is this man.  He is straggly, he is totally emaciated.  He’s got these ragged clothes on.   He’s got 12 year old shoes on and people at the HQ were saying, “Who are you? Are you sure?”  And so, he explained his story.  He was taken to Ilshin Hospital, this is one of our hospitals in Japan.  This is where these pictures were taken. Here, he weighed 39 kilos and for 50 days he had to be treated with nutrition and exercise in order for him to get to some normal health. 

當他碰撞到的第一個人,他問“我需要到統一教會本部,你能告知我他們的本部嗎?“,且吃驚 的,他碰到的第一個人就是我們的姊妹。她帶他去教會,實在是非常神奇。當他到了教會時,所有的人都被震驚。這個男人,他是如此蒼喪,且如此消瘦。他穿著破 舊的衣服,和穿了12年久的鞋,而在本部的人就問他“你是誰呢?確定嗎“(找我們)。所以,他便說明了他的經過。後來他被帶去Ilshin醫院,這是我們一間在日本的醫院。這是那幾張照片拍攝的地方,在這,為使他能回復到一般的健康狀態,他體重39公斤並接受50天的營養補給和復健治療.

But this was happening, brothers and sisters, not in Africa, not in China, not in North Korea.  This is Japan, the second most powerful democratic nation in the world. Brothers and sisters, as you heard last week, we have cases of sisters that had been confined three months.  They were systematically raped.  One father, who paid for those abductions, found out what happened to his daughter.  And the father actually committed suicide because he was so guilt ridden to what happened to his daughter. 

但發生這種事,弟兄姊妹!不是在非洲、不是中國、不是北韓。是在日 本,世界第二大經濟強國。弟兄姊妹,如你上週所聽的,我們有個案子- 一位姊妹被監禁三個月,並且被他們經常性的強暴。付錢給那拐誘組織的父親,後來知道發生在他女兒的事,那位父親因為造成發生在女兒身上的事而感到強烈的罪惡感,竟然自剎了。

This kind of incredible crime against humanity has happened because of their faith, because of the fact that they are practicing the Unification religion.  This (kidnappings) is not permissible in a democratic society. This is not permissible, this is not correct.  This is not upholding the democratic principle.


You know,  we were so shocked because the brothers and sisters had contacted the police many times.  The police had done nothing about it.  The police had turned them away every single time.  So then this culture developed:  Pray for your enemies at least, pray for your kidnappers.  So, they were praying, they were living the religious life.  They were praying for the persecutors as Jesus said, as True Parents said, to do.  But see, for us, in our perspective, we both grew up in America, we both grew up in a democracy, we both are American citizens and for us, we can pray for our persecutors. That’s fine, but we cannot throw away our human rights!  We cannot throw away our human rights, Aju.

We cannot throw those away.  That is our God given right as democratic citizens.  And we cannot let people take away our rights and just say we pray for them.  There comes a point when we have to say, “No! No longer will we endure abuse because of our religion.”  Stopping these  “pastors” from these illegal enterprises means to be compassionate with them.  It is compassionate. Because if they think they can rob people of their right to believe in God, to believe in the religion of their choice, this is a violation of democracy and religious freedom. 

你知道嗎?我們非常的震驚,因為我們的弟兄姊妹已經跟警察連繫了好多次。但警察幾乎都不管,每一次不理 會。因此後來這樣的文化變形成:至少為你的敵人禱,為綁架你的人禱告。因此,他們禱告,他們過著宗教的生活。他們為破害他們的人禱告如同耶穌所說的,如同 真父母說的。但你看,像我們,在我們的觀點,我們都生長在美國,我們生活在一個民主國家,我們是美國人民對我們而言,我們可以為迫害我們的人禱告,這個可以,但我們不能拋棄我們的人權!我們不能拋棄我們的人權!阿主!我們不能把那些丟棄。那是神給我們民主國家人民的權利。而我們無法讓人們剝奪我們的人權 時,我們只是為他們禱告。當我們說“不!我不要再因我們的信仰承受毀謗“,阻止這些非法企業的“牧師“的意思是我們要以憐恤的心對待他們,這是仁慈。因為假如他們認為他們可以搶奪人們信仰神的權利,及信仰一個宗教的選擇,而這就是侵害民主和信仰自由。


講道全內容 full Sermon

September 26, 2009 Sermon: Fearless True Love from on Vimeo.




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