天地人真父母 定著實體聖言宣告大會
BETTER VERSION of July 8, 2010, “Convention to Proclaim the Word..." from God Bless on Vimeo.
【中文】 【English】 【한국어】 【日本語】 【Россию】
(2010.7.8 韓國天正宮)
對於各位能在百忙當中,撥冗蒞臨,參加此攝理性的天地人真父母 定著實體聖言宣告大會,我代表真父母家庭、大韓民國,以及世界各地的祝福家庭表達歡迎與深刻的感謝之意。就在今年,數以千計來自世界120國的頂尖領袖與代表們出席了我們在新聯合國大廈舉辦的金婚紀念日,榮冠式和紀念慶典,讓我們備受尊崇並度過美好的時光。再一次我僅代表全韓國國民與全人類,在此致上我的感激之意。
前美國國務卿亞歷山大‧海格將軍,韓戰時,他曾指揮戰機,轟炸當時北韓的興南集中營,而拯救了當時被監禁的我;贏得諾貝爾和平獎的前南韓總統金大中;赫迪·阿納比(Hedi Annabi)突尼西亞外交官與聯合國海地穩定特派團團長,於2010年海地大地震時喪生;赫迪·阿納比夫人與身旁一同身亡的100位聯合國人員;前哥斯大黎加總統羅德里格斯,他是舉世聞名的「和平總統」;前印尼總統瓦希德,他奉獻一生給國家,這是超過兩億人口的偉大國家;冰島前首相 斯泰因格里米爾,他協助促成當時蘇聯總統戈巴契夫與美國總統雷根的會談,因而加速冷戰的終結;塞內加爾的謝赫哈桑‧西塞,他被尊為伊斯蘭教的典範與偉大學者;印度辛格維,他被印度11億人民稱頌為「和解與和平大使」。
之後,在美國拉斯維加斯舉行的另一場典禮中,我給予川琦禮子博士昇華祝福。她是十七世紀統一日本群島之幕府時代最後一位將軍 德川家康的第十七代子孫。她是來自拉斯維加斯的醫學博士,一直過著服務他人的生活,而於最近過世。通過她來自靈界善的影響,她將在韓、日、美之間扮演重要的角色,並解決政治、經濟等各領域的各種問題以實現世界和平。因此,我們把她列入將接受此神聖的昇華祝福的名單之中。
女士先生們, 今日人類應當行走何種道路?即便現在,每年在世界各地有幾千萬的無辜生命死於戰爭、疾病、飢餓與天災之中。若觀察每個領域,從個人到全體,不管是宗教、政治、教育、文化或意識形態,人們都深陷在自我本位主義的泥沼之中,在自身四周築起高牆,我們生活在一個被帶往毀滅的世界,失去了真誠的溝通。
我們再也不能延緩或拖延祂願望的實現。我已宣告2013年1月13日將是奠基日(Foundation Day),那天將是天一國的實體出發與原點,然而,所剩的時間不到三年。
全人類必須行走的道路,現在已經很清楚了。在面對上天通過真父母所揭示之D-day (發動攻擊日,軍事專有名詞),是什麼原因讓你遲疑呢?在你英勇前進的路上,天的祝福將與你同在。
各位女士先生們,在拉斯維加斯,真父母分別於兩個不同的日子做了一個以神為中心的特別宣告。一個是在天曆的 5月8日(2010年6月19日)清晨2:20 ,另一個是在天曆的 5月15日(2010年6月26日)清晨3:25 。
第三、人類已脫離蕩減復歸時代圈,這是真父母通過血汗勞苦所帶來的恩惠。因此,不要忘記在真父母還在世的時候,我們都有責任將家庭,宗族,民族,國家與世界從地獄圈中解放出來。現在,蕩減復歸的時代已經結束。什麼時代會來到呢 ? 以神與真父母為中心之勝利圈的太平聖代將永世長存。
第四、我們現在正進入神直接主管的時代。先生女士們,我已說過,距離天所宣告的D-day 剩下不到三年的時間。我們已經進入天宙安息圈的時代,要讓在靈界的家人再臨於地上接受原理本體論的教育,並且八代祖先全家族將同甘共苦一起生活。請大家對此事實,銘記在心。阿住!
Cheon Il Guk (in Korean)=天一國=The Nation of Cosmic Peace and Unification!
(英語- English)
World Assembly to Proclaim
the Substantial Word of God and
the Era of the Parents of Heaven,
Earth and Humankind
Respected leaders from around the world, distinguished guests from home and abroad, ladies and gentlemen:
Representing True Parents' True Family, the Republic of Korea, and blessed members worldwide, I would like to welcome and express our deep appreciation to our many esteemed guests. You have come, despite your busy schedules, to participate in this providential Convention to Proclaim the Word that Firmly Establishes the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. This year alone, thousands of representatives and top leaders from 120 nations of the world honored us with their presence at our Golden Anniversary Coronation, and the Memorial Festival held at the new UN building -- making it a wonderful occasion. Once again I would like to express my appreciation on behalf of all the people of the Republic of Korea and all of humankind.
Ladies and gentlemen, a few months ago I celebrated my ninetieth birthday and took my first steps toward the hundredth year of my life. This is a very eventful time m God s providence I have been blessed with a long life, beyond the average human lifespan. On the occasion of our fiftieth wedding anniversary, we are holding this occasion with people from all over the world. From a providential point of view, this year is not simply the year of our Golden Anniversary; it is a jubilee year.
We have fourteen children; five have graduated from Harvard University. Among our forty plus grandchildren, several of them are already studying there. Moreover, a great number of good men and women from 194 nations have come to recognize and follow us as the king of kings and the True Parents.
Throughout our lives, we have established many international organizations and institutions to promote world peace We have invested unreservedly in many fields including inter-religious cooperation, projects to benefit society intercultural activities, sports, education and the media, and we have successfully led these initiatives with the aim of promoting peace and bringing salvation to humanity.
After working to succeed in all these things, people would probably commend us, saying that we deserve to look back at our lives and pleasantly celebrate our birthdays with the good wishes of all people. They would probably encourage me to forget about everything and sit back and enjoy the successes achieved during the past ninety years!
However, my wife and I cannot look at the lives we have led in such a worldly way. We have had to complete the mission of the actual True Parents, given to us by God, who is Himself the vertical true parent of all humankind. Now, with three years remaining in this mission to make God's kingdom, Cheon Il Guk, a reality, we are leading each day of our lives with more seriousness than ever before.
Throughout my life, I have offered myself for the liberation of God, the one and only true parent of heaven and earth, to restore to Him His rightful position as parent, to save all of human beings who suffer in the realm of death, and to return them to God's bosom. For this purpose I have persevered and triumphed, alone, over countless tribulations while leading the people of the world, who are like lost and unaware orphans searching for their parents, toward the goal of global salvation. Due to the Fall, brought about by our first ancestors, people are born into the false lineage. Every one without exception wanders in darkness even now, unable to break free of Satan's bondage. Under such circumstances, how could my wife and I be anything less than completely serious in our lives as we show the 6.5 billion people of the world the way along the path toward the building of God's kingdom on earth?
Three Stages of Re-creation
Ladies and gentlemen, God created human beings as his children. As the original absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal being, God created people by breathing His love into them to endow them with a soul. If not for the Fall, we would have been able to perfect ourselves as God is perfect fulfill the way of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, and attain eternal life.
But unfortunately, human beings are living as descendants of the Fall. In order to live a perfect life, all people without exception must receive life through the blessing from True Parents in the three stages of rebirth, resurrection and eternal life. Rebirth, in this context refers to an individual attaining new life. Resurrection is when a family and nation attains new life, and eternal life refers to all of humankind attaining perfection and living forever in God's homeland after establishing the kingdom of heaven on earth and in the spirit world by attending True Parents, who have attained the position of the king of kings.
Your ancestors who are in the spirit world shall now return to this earth according to the time of the True Parents who directly govern all life and all things as the substantial entity of God who exists without form.
They will go through the three-stage blessings of rebirth, resurrection and eternal life and complete the Original Divine Principle education -- the education on absolute sexual ethics -- organized by True Parents.
Only then can they enter the original realm of Seunghwa and attain the qualifications to become a citizen of Cheon II Guk.
We can easily see that each person's life goes through three stages. Everyone is conceived through the grace of God and the love of his or her parents. The first stage of life is the long (yet short) nine months spent in the mother's womb No one is exempt from this! Whether we are conscious of or not at the time, all of us without exception spend nine months in our mother's womb. Even though a woman's womb is smaller than some rice cookers, from the perspective of a fetus, it is larger than the entire universe.
What about our birth into the second stage of our lives, which occurs on earth? How could we find words adequate to describe the struggle of a newborn baby as it is faced with a completely unfamiliar new world? The first lonely cry of a newborn as it experiences the large and wide world that it finds upon coming out of the womb is a blessing and celebration of a new time and space that promises a one-hundred-year future.
Today we are all blessed to be living in the second stage of our lives. Although a hundred years is much longer than the nine months we spend in the womb, please do not forget that there is still a course we must follow to a higher end. Although we have all forgotten the standard of consciousness that we possessed in our mother's womb, and we are now enjoying our lives fully in this big, wide world, this is merely preparation for the final stage of our lives, which is eternal life.
That third stage occurs in the world of eternal life, which we can enter by reaching perfection -- this is the spirit world. It is a world that cannot be imagined by people descended from the Fall. It is a world in which we transcend time and space. Just as the baby in a mother's womb cannot imagine life on earth, we, as people living and breathing air in this earthly world, cannot easily understand the spirit world, where we will be reborn in our spiritual bodies, living and breathing true love.
Ladies and gentlemen, as people face death, they may tremble in fear and terror if they do not understand the true meaning of passing on. Although human history has continued for more than six thousand years, no one, unfortunately, has clearly taught the truth regarding death. Now, in the Last Days of history I have been able to reveal this truth, this heavenly secret, as the True Parent of humankind.
Ladies and gentlemen, the word "death" is sacred. It is not a synonym for "sadness and suffering." Therefore, the True Parents have created the term Seunghwa [ascension] to explain the true significance of "death." The moment we enter the spirit world is the time that we enter a world of joy and victory with the fruits born of our lives on earth. It is a time for those of us remaining on earth to send off the departed with joy. It should be a time for great celebration. We should be shedding tears of joy instead of tears of sadness. That is the significance of the sacred and noble Seunghwa Ceremony. It is the first step toward enjoying eternal life in God's embrace. The moment of death should be a time of greater excitement than that of a newlywed bride going to her groom's home for the first time.
In order to open the door for all people to experience this kind of precious eternal life, I held a Seunghwa Ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in New York on March 18 in honor of world leaders who had recently passed into the next world.
The following are the names of those commemorated on that occasion:
General Alexander Haig, a former United States Secretary of State, who saved my life by leading the bombing of the North Korean Hungnam Special Labor Camp where I was imprisoned during the Korean War; Mr. Kim Dae-jung, a former South Korean president, who won the Nobel Peace Prize; Mr. Hédi Annabi, a Tunisian diplomat and head of the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti, who died in the 2010 Haitian earthquake; the one hundred UN workers who died alongside Mr. Annabi; Mr. Rodrigo Carazo Odio, a former president of Costa Rica, who is known worldwide as "the Peace President"; Mr. Abdurrahman Wahid, a former president of Indonesia, who gave his entire life for the sake of his great nation, which has a population of more than two hundred million; Mr. Steingrimur Hermannsson, a former prime minister of Iceland, who helped bring about the meeting of then Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and United States President Ronald Reagan, which accelerated the end of the cold war; Shaykh Hassan Cissé of Senegal, who is respected as an exemplary person and a great scholar of Islam; and Mr. Laxmi Mall Singhvi of India, who is praised as the "Ambassador of Reconciliation and Peace" by India's 1.1 billion people.
There are also other people whom we would especially like to remember through this ceremony and send to the spirit world with the Seunghwa Blessing. I'm sure you have already heard about the recent sinking of the ship "Cheonan" in Korea where 46 sailors suddenly lost their lives in the course of duty. During my four-city speaking tour in Korea in April, my wife and I bestowed the grace of the Seunghwa Blessing on these unfortunate seamen who died.
Later, during another event in Las Vegas, USA, I bestowed the Seunghwa Blessing on one Dr. Reiko Kawasaki, a 17th-generation descendant of Tokugawa Ieyasu, the last shogun in Japanese history, who united the Japanese archipelago in the 17th century. She was a medical doctor from Las Vegas, and recently passed away after living a life of continuous service to others. Through her benign influence from the spirit world, she will play a major role in Korea, Japan and the US, and also in resolving problems in spheres such politics and economics, for the sake of the realization of world peace. Thus, we have included her in the list of those who will receive this sacred Seunghwa Blessing.
Distinguished leaders, although the lives of the people whose names I mentioned were altruistic and philanthropic, none of them can be guaranteed entry into the world of eternal life without receiving the marriage blessing and the Seunghwa Blessing of the True Parent [Rev. Moon] in this world today, in which the parent-child relationship between God and humankind was severed due to the Fall of the first ancestors. Please take this point seriously.
Ladies and gentlemen, this era, when God has introduced the heavenly calendar, is a serious one. It is now the time in which all 6.5 billion of the world's people must understand my teachings, which I bequeath as the True Parent who is responsible to give eternal life to all of humankind. Now is a time that you can share the good news of the coming of the True Parents throughout the entire world. The time has come to honor and inherit the tradition and spirit of the Korean people, from which the True Parents emerged, establish the heavenly tradition, and bring about world peace by uniting all 6.5 billion people of the world with the United Nations. With the start of the heavenly calendar, please do not forget that the Seunghwa Blessing Ceremony is a sacred rite in which anyone can inherit the worldview of a holy citizen of the kingdom of heaven and celebrate God's liberation and all humankind's liberation.
In this way, the ideal of a family based on true love can be completed, and God and all people, the heavenly spirit world and the earthly physical world, can be completely united to usher in a reign of peace over the world. Please take this time to express your gratitude to God and True Parents for giving the keys of the Blessing Ceremony and Seunghwa Ceremony to all the worlds' nations, allowing for the establishment of the traditions of God's kingdom, Cheon II Guk, through True Parents.
Please join me in giving a round of applause to our Heavenly Father for His benevolence, through which we can receive the grace of precious life without Him asking for anything in return.
One Family under God
Ladies and gentlemen, what is the path that humankind should take today? Even now tens of millions of innocent lives are being lost each year to war, disease, starvation and natural disasters that arise in all parts of the world. In every field you observe, from the individual to the collective level -- whether religion, politics, education, culture or ideology -- people are deeply mired in the swamp of self-centered egoism, raising walls around themselves. We now live in a world brought to ruin, where genuine communication has broken down.
Ultimately, the problems afflicting humanity can only be resolved through the worldview of One Family under God, in other words, the ideology based on true love, which my wife and I, the True Parents, have learned from Heaven and have championed and taught throughout our lives. This is the only way for humankind to find the path toward peace and happiness.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are living in a historic time of great cosmic transition It is a time for a great cosmic revolution to change history, to unite the spiritual and physical worlds and to create the ideal kingdom of heaven that God has longed for since the beginning of time.
We can no longer postpone or prolong the fulfillment of His wish I have already proclaimed that January 13, 2013 will be "Foundation Day." That day will be the actual beginning of Cheon Ii Guk. That day will be the origin. Yet, less than three years remain until then.
Therefore it is time for all people to be humbly obedient to Heaven's decree An unavoidable time is upon us today when we must invest ourselves completely with a life or death commitment for the remaining three years under the guidance of the True Parents who carry out the providence on earth as the substantial representatives of God, the king of kings. All the good spirits in the spirit world are mobilized and are already moving forward, a step ahead of you.
Ladies and gentlemen, do you have any idea how much pain God suffered the moment our first ancestors, into whom God had invested His complete and unreserved devotion since time immemorial, fell and disappeared into darkness, becoming part of Satan's lineage? Are you even remotely aware that our Heavenly Father -- who endured tens of thousands of years of excruciating heartache so great that His bones shed tears and His flesh quivered -- had to go through the long, dark tunnel of indemnifying the human Fall in order to save His lost children? How many have spent days and nights in tears, yearning to comfort our Father in Heaven?
The Mission of the Korean People
Ladies and gentlemen, God raised and prepared the Korean people over a period of thousands of years. All people of the Christian faith recognize that God sent His true son Jesus Christ to earth two thousand years ago to save humankind. However, Jesus suffered a miserable fate.
The leaders of Judaism and the people of Israel were supposed to receive Jesus as the Messiah and follow him with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. They should never have allowed Jesus' crucifixion to take place.
He suddenly left this world, leaving behind the words, "It is finished." Yet these words apply to salvation in the spiritual reality only. After two thousand years of preparation, his Second Coming, on the Korean Peninsula, has finally borne the fruits of his labor.
From the past, the Korean people have worshiped God as the highest and primal ancestor of their forefathers. They called that single being and progenitor of all people the "One" -- in other words, God. They served Him as the lord (who created night and day). Thus, all numbers begin from one and two. With the sense that He is their original ancestor, the Korean people have served Cod and thus the spirit of interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values is alive in the soul and tradition of the race. They have maintained themselves over five thousand years of history yet not once have they invaded or plundered another nation or people. The spirit of benefiting all mankind still flows in the veins of the Korean people.
The spirit of filial piety fidelity and loyalty which are the fundamental virtues of human life, are still alive and breathing in Korean history. These values can be found in the men and women of Korea and reflect the pride and spirit of the Korean people.
I have inherited such traditional values as the true filial piety exemplified in the folk tale Shimcheong, about a devoted daughter who offered her life so that her blind father could see; the profound love and fidelity displayed by Choonhyang, who overcame the fear of death in order to keep the promise she had made to her husband; and the unbreakable loyalty exhibited by Admiral Yi Soon-shin, who gave his life to save his nation and people despite being abandoned by his king and other leaders. These lofty Korean values and traditions are not just matters of historical chance. Based on these values, Heaven has prepared this people; this was all part of the providence of creating a foundation to send the Messiah. On the foundation of such preparation, and riding on the energy of this peninsula, I finally came, having received Heavens seal as the True Parent of humankind and the king of kings.
The Path Humankind Should Take
Distinguished Guests, your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The path that humanity must now take is clear. What would give you cause to hesitate in the face of the D-day that Heaven has revealed through us, the True Parents? There are now only 919 days remaining. Heaven's blessings will be with you on your ambitious and busy course.
If you view the flow of history through eyes that focus on God's providence, you can see that the changes of the times can be broadly classified into three stages. First is the "era of worldly matters," in other words, a time when materialism took precedence. Next came the "era of human affairs," a humanistic era when peoples' knowledge and emotions took precedence in and dominated the world.
However, these eras were transitional. They were courses of preparation necessary in order to enter the era in which people could rid themselves of their fallen nature, return to their original selves and live as one united family where they attend God as their father.
The "era of heavenly affairs" is the final stage, in which human beings should follow the path of living for the sake of others. They should do this through establishing an absolute standard on the foundation of purifying themselves, both inside and out, through the holy Blessing Ceremony This is the time of opening up the era of God's kingdom, Cheon Il Guk, a time in which we can return to the heart of the one true God. Please continually engrave this point on your hearts.
Once the actual era of Cheon Il Guk begins, the spiritual and earthly worlds will be connected and brought into oneness, and all things will be governed under the Union of the Spiritual and Physical Worlds, which will be established on earth for the first time. Moreover, the providence will be carried out according to the heavenly law and the heavenly way Elections conducted in a purely secular fashion will disappear from the face of the earth. All people will become one family through cross-cultural marriage and the World Peace Marriage Blessing and we will enjoy tranquility and happiness in the sacred reign of peace. Let me say that this day is drawing near.
As part of preparing for that time, a few days ago, on February 14, I proclaimed to all of heaven and earth the start of the new heavenly calendar. The Gregorian calendar and lunar calendar shall now stand in the positions of Cain and Abel and serve the role of supporting the heavenly calendar, by which we will record and indicate the progress of God's providence.
You must all now engrave True Parents' teachings onto your bones and practice them in your life. We have no choice. If we do not prepare now, we will surely be left behind. We should learn from the courage and fortitude of the white-necked cranes that fly across the Himalayas -- which stand more than seven thousand meters high -- in preparation for winter.
My Final Words for Humankind
True Parents have already prepared the last words I will give to humankind. These have been prepared based on my triumphs over six or seven life-or-death situations, including six periods of unjust imprisonment. I am leaving behind eight textbooks and teaching materials for humankind to use for all eternity. These are published in almost a thousand volumes.
They are:
(1) The Sermons of the Rev. Sun Myung
(2) Exposition of the Divine Principle,
(3) Cheon Seong
(4) The Family Pledge,
(5) Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong
[Messages of Peace],
(6) True Families -- Gateway to Heaven,
Owner of Peace and Owner of Lineage and
(8) World Scripture.
These are textbooks you will have to read and study even after you go to the spirit world. They are not just teachings that come from the mind of one person; they are textbooks and teaching materials that teach the heavenly way that God has granted to His suffering children for their salvation.
You should now set up the tradition of Hoon Dok Hae in your families using the books I have mentioned -- that is, the tradition where three generations of a family start each day by reading Heaven's word, and lead a life of practicing what they read, with a new heart. Let's create a world where people in the spirit world and the earthly world can both attend True Parents at the same time, and read the word on the heavenly path together.
Once this happens, no matter how hard Satan may try to worm his way in to infest your lineage, once he encounters the Hoon Dok Hae tradition he will find no room to move. If a family is aligned with God as at high noon, where no shadow is cast, and still does not receive God's blessings, who then could be deserving of them? When such heavenly families fill the earth, the world will automatically become the heavenly kingdom on earth and in the eternal spirit world, fulfilling the vision of one family under God.
Ladies and gentlemen, last year, my memoirs, As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen, an honest, candid account of my life, were published. Through this book I have clearly shown where you can find God's will for humankind and the path that we, as God's children, should follow. My life has been a typical model of the saying, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try, and try again." I have as much faith in this book as in the Hoon Dok textbooks and teaching materials I have mentioned. For this reason, I recommend it to you, believing that it will show you how to lead your lives according to true principles. It does not subtract or add anything to the ninety years of my life, which I have led under Heaven's decree. I pray you will carefully read this articulation of true love and find great inspiration.
I have already mentioned that a life of vertical "noon-time" alignment casts no shadow. If we can all shine as we live such glowing lives, there will be no chance for the shadow of sin to be cast. Those who receive the light will be indebted to the light. I pray that we can now wipe away the tears of people in misery and poverty and lead an illuminated life of eternal true love that dissipates all darkness.
Proclamation of the Era of the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind
Ladies and gentlemen, in Las Vegas, there was a special proclamation centered on God that was given by the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind on two separate days -- one part at 2:20 AM on the 8th day of the 5th month of the Heavenly Calendar (June 19, 2010) and the other at 3:25 AM, on the 15th day of the 5th month of the Heavenly Calendar (June 26, 2010).
The number three from 3:25 AM represents the three eras from the saying "Success comes at the third attempt." It also symbolizes the Old, New and Completed Testament ages. Twenty-five minutes, or the number 25, is a quarter of one hundred. The True Parents have achieved ultimate unity and offered and proclaimed the era of [God's] full transcendence, full immanence, full authority and omnipotence upon the standard of perfection, completion and conclusion.
Furthermore, with the Seunghwa Ceremony for former United States secretary of state General Alexander Haig, I proclaimed that the ceremony for the victory of the first, second, and third Israels, which completed the ceremony for rebirth, resurrection and Seunghwa during my lifetime, was transferred to Korea.
As a result, God's homeland and hometown is now Korea. By proclaiming that Korea is God's homeland, the Convention to Proclaim the Word that Firmly Establishes the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind can be completed in Korea. This I am declaring on July 8.
Through this proclamation ceremony, all the borderlines in the entire cosmos have been abolished. Consequently, centering on the autonomous God, heaven and earth shall exist eternally, night and day, under God's reign and with the support of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.
Distinguished guests, at this serious and important time, a revolutionary and cosmic change must now take place in your lives. Let us summarize the message Heaven has given to us today in light of this.
First, all blessed families should first attend God at the center of their families and every day carry out Hoon Dok education, which can completely unite parents and children. In other words, you should thoroughly teach the Divine Principle, the textbook and teaching material True Parents have bequeathed, True Father's autobiography, and absolute sexual ethics taught through the Original Divine Principle
Second, Heaven has permitted the grace of the realm of Seunghwa for rebirth and resurrection to be bestowed on the family unit Here, a requisite condition is the complete unity between parents and children. In other words, you must establish the standard for absolute parents and absolute children, and establish an absolute family
Third, humankind has moved out of the realm of the era of restoration through indemnity thanks to the grace of True Parents who have suffered hardships through which they sweat blood. Therefore, do not forget the fact that during True Parents' lifetimes we all have the responsibility to liberate families, tribes, peoples, nations and the world from the realm of hell. Now that the era of restoration through indemnity has ended, what kind of era is dawning? The reign of tranquility and prosperity in the victorious realm centered on God and True Parents shall be eternal.
Fourth, we are now entering the era of God's direct dominion. Ladies and gentlemen, I have said that less than three years remain until the D-day proclaimed by Heaven. I beg that you inscribe in your hearts the fact that we have entered the era of the realm of the cosmic Sabbath in which your family members in the spirit world shall return to the earth to receive Original Divine Principle education, and where eight generations will live together and share the together in a single family. Aju!
Once again, I offer you my heartfelt thanks for your gracing this occasion with your presence and celebrating this providential event. I pray that you will live in good health and in the abundance of God's love. It is my hope that we can offer greater glory and honor to God the next time we meet.
I pray that the blessings of God, the king of kings, will be upon you, your family and your nation.
Thank you very much.
(韓語 Korea)
문선명 총재 ‘천지인 참부모 정착 실체 말씀 선포대회’ 발표문
존경하는 세계 각국의 지도자, 그리고 내외 귀빈 여러분!
공사다망하심에도 불구하고 오늘 이 섭리적인 ‘천지인 참부모 정착 실체 말씀 선포대회’에 참석하여 주심에 저희 참부모 참가정과 대한민국과 축복받은 세계 식구의 이름으로 환영하며 감사를 드립니다. 올해에만도 세계 120여개국의 최고 지도자 수천명이 본인 부부의 금혼식과 대관식, 그리고 새로운 유엔빌딩에서의 승화축제 행사를 빛내주기 위해 만장의 성황을 이루어 주셨습니다. 다시 한번 대한민국 국민 모두와 전 인류의 이름으로 감사를 올리는 바입니다.
러분, 본인은 벌써 수개월 전에 만 90세 생신을 축하하고 이제 100세를 향한 바쁜 섭리의 발걸음을 내딛고 있습니다. 세속적인
관점에서 보면 평균수명의 기준을 훨씬 넘어 장수하고 있습니다. 우리 부부는 또 금혼의 해를 맞아 이렇게 세계적 규모의 축하연도
베풀고 있습니다. 섭리적인 관점에서 보면 올해는 단순한 금혼의 해만이 아니요, 희년입니다.
자식도 14명을 두어 그중
다섯 명이나 하버드대학교를 졸업했고, 40여 명이나 되는 손자 중에서도 여러 명이 벌써 하버드대에서 공부를 하고 있습니다. 세계
194개국에서 수백만명의 선남선녀들이 본인 부부를 평화의 왕·참부모로 모시며 받들고 있습니다.
우리 부부가 일생
동안 세계평화를 위해 창설하고 운영해 나온 세계적 규모의 조직과 기구들도 수백 곳에 이르고 있습니다.
종교·사회·문화·체육·교육·언론 등 많은 분야에 천문학적인 투자를 했고, 인류 구원과 평화 증진을 위해 성공리에 발전시켜 나가고
이만하면 한 인간으로서 만인의 축복 속에 자신의 삶을 되돌아보며 흐뭇하게 여생을 즐길 자격이 있다고들
칭송할 것입니다. 모든 짐을 다 내려놓고, 이제 마음껏 ‘구십생애의 성공’을 자랑하며 살라고들 할 것입니다. 그러나 우리 부부의
생애는 세속적인 눈으로 보는 그런 차원의 삶이 아닙니다. 인류의 종적 참부모 되신 하나님의 인침을 받고, 실체 참부모의 사명을
완수해야만 하는 우리 부부는 이제 실체 천일국 완성까지의 마지막 3년을 남겨놓고, 그 어느 때보다도 심각한 나날을 살아가고 있습니다.
십평생을 바쳐 살아온 본인의 생애는 오직 천주의 참부모 되시는 하나님을 해방하여 부모의 자리를 다시 찾아드리고, 사망권에서
허덕이는 인류를 구해 하나님의 품으로 되돌려 드리는 것이었습니다. 이 뜻을 위해 본인은 홀로 만난을 뚫고 승리하며, 부모 잃은
고아의 신세로 전락해버린 무지몽매한 인류를 이끌고 세계 구원의 길을 걸어왔습니다. 인류 조상의 타락으로 인해
거짓 혈통을 전수받은 인간은 그 누구를 막론하고 사탄의 굴레를 벗어나지 못한 채 지금도 어둠 속에서 헤매고 있지 않습니까?
65억 인류를 이끌고 지상천국 창건의 길을 걸어가는 우리 부부의 삶이 어찌 심각하지 않을 수 있겠습니까?
창조적 3단계
러분, 하나님은 인간을 당신의 자식으로 창조하셨습니다. 절대·유일·불변·영원의 본체이신 하나님께서 당신의 사랑을 혼으로 불어넣어
지은 인간 역시 타락이 없었다면 하나님과 같은 기준까지 완성하여 절대신앙·절대사랑·절대복종의 도리를 다하며 영생하게 되어 있는
그러나 불행하게도 인류는 타락의 후예가 되어 살아가고 있습니다. 따라서 인간은 누구를 막론하고 참부모님을
통한 중생·부활·영생의 3단계 축복을 거쳐 태어나야만 완성의 삶을 영위할 수 있게 되는 것입니다. 다시 말해서 중생은 개인적
기준의 거듭남이요, 부활은 가정과 국가적 기준의 거듭남이며, 영생은 세계적 기준에서 전 인류가 함께 완성하여 평화의 왕·참부모님을
모시고 지상·천상천국을 이루어 하나님의 조국에서 영생하는 것을 뜻합니다.
그리고 영계에 가 있는 여러분의 조상까지도
무형으로 임재하시는 하나님의 실체로서 만생 만사를 실체 주관하고 계시는 참부모님의 때를 맞이하여 이제 지상에 재림하여
중생·부활·영생의 3단계 축복을 거치고, 참부모님의 본체론 교육, 즉 절대성 교육을 거쳐야만 본연의 승화권에 진입하여 천일국
시민의 자격을 확보할 수 있게 되는 것입니다.
우리 개개인의 생을 놓고 보아도 3단계의 삶을 쉽게 알 수 있습니다.
인간은 누구나 먼저 하나님의 은총과 부모의 사랑으로 생명의 잉태함을 받아, 10개월이라는 길고도 짧은 기간을 어머니의 복중에서
보내게 됩니다. 의식 수준이 어느 정도이건, 우리는 복중 10개월 기간을 예외 없이 거쳐 오게 됩니다. 보온밥통 속보다도 좁은
공간이라 할지라도, 그 속에서 우리의 삶은 우주 공간보다도 더 큰 첫 단계의 삶을 맛보게 되는 것입니다.
제 2단계인
지상 삶으로의 태어남은 어떻습니까? 미지의 세계를 향한 어린 태아의 몸부림을 우리가 어찌 필설로 다 묘사할 수 있겠습니까? 보다
크고 넓은 세계, 복중 세계에서는 상상도 못한 새로운 차원의 세계를 향해 출발하는 새 생명의 고고한 외침은 백년대계를 약속받는
새로운 시간과 공간으로의 축복이요 환희입니다. 오늘 여러분 모두는 이 제 2단계에서의 삶을 축복받아 살고 있습니다. 10개월이라는
시간이 100년으로 늘어났을 뿐, 우리에게는 아직도 가야 할 길이 남아 있다는 것을 잊지 마십시오. 태중에서의 의식 기준은 다
잊어버리고, 보다 높은 의식과 보다 넓은 공간에서 마음껏 생을 즐기고 있다고들 생각할지 모르지만, 여러분에겐 영생을 향한 마지막
단계가 더 남아 있다는 것입니다.
제 3단계는 바로 우리가 완성하여 들어가 살 영생의 세계, 즉 영계입니다. 타락의
후예인 인간으로서는 상상도 할 수 없는 미지의 세계입니다. 시공을 초월하여 사는 세계입니다. 복중의 태아가 지상계를 상상도 할 수
없었던 것처럼, 지상계에서 공기를 호흡하고 사는 육신 쓴 인간으로서는 영인체로 태어나 참사랑을 호흡하며 사는 영계의 삶을 쉽게
이해할 수 없다는 것입니다.
여러분, 죽음에 임박하면 인간은 두려움에 떨게 됩니다. 공포를 느끼게 됩니다. 그것은
죽음이 무엇을 의미하는지 모르기 때문입니다. 불행하게도 인류 역사가 6000년 기간을 거쳐 오면서 그 어느 누구 한 사람도 이
죽음에 대한 진실을 밝혀 가르쳐준 사람이 없었습니다. 그러나 이제 역사의 종말기가 되어 인류의 참부모께서 비로소 그 천비를 밝혀주신 것입니다.
러분, 죽음이란 단어는 신성한 말입니다. 슬픔과 고통의 대명사가 아닙니다. 그래서 참부모님께서 그 단어를 ‘승화’로 고쳐
발표했습니다. 지상계의 삶을 꽃피우고 열매 맺어 알곡을 품고 환희와 승리의 세계로 들어가는 때가 영계 입문의 순간입니다. 기뻐해야
할 순간입니다. 마음껏 축하하고 전송해 주어야 할 때입니다. 슬픔의 눈물이 아닌 기쁨의 눈물을 흘리고 흘려주어야 할 때입니다.
승화식이란 이처럼 성스럽고 숭고한 의식입니다. 하나님의 품으로 돌아가 모시고 영생을 즐기러 가는 첫걸음이기 때문입니다. 새색시가
시집가는 그 순간보다도 더 가슴 떨리고 흥분해야 할 때인 것입니다.
이처럼 귀한 영생으로의 문을 열어주기 위해,
본인은 지난 3월18일 뉴욕의 유엔본부에서 최근에 영면한 세계적 평화 지도자들에게 승화식을 베풀어 주었습니다. 일찍이 한국전쟁 때
본인이 수감되어 있었던 흥남감옥을 폭파하여 본인의 생명을 구해주기도 했던 알렉산더 헤이그 전 미국 국무장관을 위시하여,
노벨평화상을 수상한 한국의 김대중 전 대통령, 최근 발생한 아이티의 대지진 참사로 순직한 헤디 아나비 유엔봉사대 단장과 대원
100여명, 평화의 대통령으로 세계에 널리 알려진 코스타리카의 전직 대통령 카라소, 장애의 몸으로도 인구 2억명이 넘는 대국
인도네시아를 위해 평생 몸을 바쳐 헌신했던 와히드 전 대통령, 고르바초프 전 소련 대통령과 레이건 전 미국 대통령의 만남을
주선하여 냉전 종식에 함께 공을 세운 전 아이슬랜드 총리 헤르만손, 이슬람권의 대표적 석학으로 존경받던 세네갈의 하산 시세,
11억 인도인들에게 ‘화해와 평화의 대사’로 칭송받던 싱비 대사가 그들입니다.
그 외에도, 최근 한국에서는 천안함
침몰로 인해 장병 46명이 졸지에 전사했습니다. 본인 부부는 지난 4월 한국 주요 도시 순회강연을 통해 그 억울한 희생 장병들을
위해 승화축복의 은사를 베풀어 주었으며, 그 후에도 미국 라스베이거스대회에서는 일본 역사상 마지막 쇼군으로서 17세기에 벌써 일본
열도를 통일했던 도쿠가와 이에야스의 17대손, 레이코 박사의 승화축복을 베풀어주기도 했습니다. 그분은 평생 베푸는 삶을 살다가
최근에 승화한 라스베이거스 출신의 여의사로서 한국과 일본, 미국, 더 나아가서는 세계평화 실현을 위한 정치·경제 등 제반 문제들을
해결하는 데 큰 역할을 했던 분이기에 이렇게 거룩한 승화축복 대열에 참여시킨 것입니다.
지도자 여러분, 그러나 위에
열거한 분들의 생애가 비록 이타주의와 박애주의에 입각한 위대한 삶이었다 할지라도, 인류 조상의 타락으로 인해 하나님과의
부자관계가 단절된 현 세계에서는 참부모님의 결혼축복과 승화축복이 없이는 영생의 그 세계를 보장받을 수 없다는 것을 명심하십시오.
여러분, 지금 이 시대는
하늘이 ‘천력’을 선포한 시대입니다. 심각한 시대입니다. 65억 인류의 영생을 책임질 ‘천인’을 갖고 오신 인류의 참부모님의
가르침을 따르지 않고는 살길이 없는 때가 왔습니다. 여러분 모두는 참부모님의 이름을 만천하에 드러내 놓고 자랑하고 칭송해야 할
때입니다. 참부모님께서 출현한 한민족의 전통과 정신을 존경하고 전수받아 하늘의 전통을 정립하고, 유엔과 65억 인류가 하나가 되어
세계평화를 정착해야 할 때가 왔습니다. 여러분은 이제 ‘천력’의 출발과 더불어 거룩한 천국 백성의 이념을 전수해 주는 기치를
높이고, 하나님의 해방과 인류의 구원을 축하하는 성스러운 예식이 바로 승화축복식이라는 것을 잊지 마시기 바랍니다.
리하여 참사랑을 뿌리로 한 가정이상을 완성하고, 하나님과 인간이, 그리고 천상의 영계와 지상의 육계가 완전히 통일된 태평성대의
세상을 열어가야 할 것입니다. 만국에 빛낼 수 있는 축복과 승화의 열쇠를 주시어 천일국의 전통을 세우게 해주신 하나님과 참부모님께
큰 감사를 올려야 할 것입니다.
이런 귀한 생명을 값없이 우리에게 은총으로 내려주신 하나님 아버지께 우리 모두 감사의 박수를 올리지 않으시겠습니까?
하나님 아래 한 가족
빈 여러분, 그렇다면 오늘 인류가 가야 할 길은 어디에 있습니까? 지금도 세계 도처에서는 전쟁과 질병, 기아, 그리고 자연재해로
인해 무고한 인명이 매년 수천만명씩 희생되고 있습니다. 종교·정치·교육·문화·사상 등 어느 분야를 둘러보아도 개인은 물론,
집단까지 극도의 이기주의적 아집의 늪에 빠져 철저하게 문을 닫아걸고 있습니다. 소통이 없는 불통의 세계로 전락해 버린 것입니다.
국 인류의 제반 문제는 참부모 되는 본인 부부가 하늘로부터 받아 평생 주창하고 교육해온 ‘하나님 아래 한 가족’ 사상, 즉
참사랑의 가르침에 의해 해결할 수밖에 없습니다. 이 사상만이 인류에게 평화와 행복의 길을 찾아줄 수 있는 유일한 길이기
여러분, 오늘 우리가 살고 있는 이 시대는 역사적인 천주적 대전환기입니다. 역사를 바꾸고 영계와 지상계를
하나로 만들어, 하나님께서 태초부터 소원하셨던 이상천국을 이 지상에 창건해야 하는 천주적 대혁명기입니다. 더 이상 연기하거나
연장할 시간이 없습니다. 하늘은 벌써 2013년 1월 13일을 ‘기원절’로 선포해 놓았습니다. 실체적 천일국의 시발이요, 기원이
되는 날이 바로 그날인 것입니다. 3년도 채 남지 않았습니다.
따라서 인류는 이제 하늘의 명 앞에 겸허한 자세로
순종해야 할 때입니다. 평화의 왕 되신 하나님의 실체로서, 지상계에서 섭리를 경륜하고 계시는 참부모님의 인도함을 따라 남은
3년간을 전력투구, 사생결단을 해야 할 숙명적인 시간이 오늘 우리 앞에 다가왔다는 것입니다. 영계의 모든 선령들도 총 동원되어
여러분보다 한 발 앞서서 뛰고 있습니다.
한민족의 사명
◇천정궁 야외광장을 가득 메운 참석자들이 문선명 총재의 강연을 경청하고 있다. 이 행사는 인터넷을 통해 세계 194개국에 한국어와 영어, 일어로 생중계됐다.
가평=송원영 기자
러분, 억겁의 시간과 정성을 쏟아부어 당신의 자식으로 창조해 놓은 인간이 타락으로 말미암아 사탄의 혈통을 받고 어둠 속으로
숨어버린 그 순간부터 하나님께서 당하신 그 고통이 얼마나 큰지 아십니까? 뼈가 울고 살결이 떨리는 처절한 고통 속에서 수천
수만년을 참고 기다려 오신 여러분의 아버지가 얼마나 길고 험난한 탕감의 터널을 거쳐 오셨는지 생각이나 해보았습니까? 이런 불쌍한 아버지를 위해 어느 한순간이라도 눈물을 흘려본 적이 있느냐는 말입니다.
러분, 하나님은 수천년간 한민족을 기르며 준비해 나오셨습니다. 2000년 전 당신의 독생자 예수 그리스도를 이 땅에 보내시고,
그를 통해 인류를 다시 구원하려 하셨던 역사를 여러분도 잘 아실 것입니다. 그러나 결과는 너무나 비참하게 끝나고 말았습니다.
예수님을 메시아로 받아들여 절대신앙·절대사랑·절대복종의 길을 가야 했던 유대교의 지도자들과 이스라엘 민족이 오히려 그를 십자가의
길로 내어 몰고 말았지 않습니까? 그러나 ‘다 이루었다!’는 영적 구원의 말 한마디를 남겨놓고 홀연히 떠나버린 예수님의 재림은
2000년간의 준비를 거쳐, 드디어 이 한반도에서 열매를 맺게 된 것입니다.
한민족은 예로부터 하나님을 조상 중 최고
최상의 조상으로 숭앙하며 살아온 천손민족입니다. 오직 한 분이신 만인의 조상, 그분을 ‘한 분님’, 즉 ‘하나님’이라 불러
주인(밤과 낮의 창조주)으로 모셔왔고, 따라서 모든 수의 근원도 하나, 둘로부터 시작했던 것입니다. 이런 하나님을 원초조상으로
모셔온 민족이기에, 한민족의 정신과 전통 속에는 공생·공영·공의의 혼이 살아있는 것입니다. 5000년이 넘는 역사를 지켜오면서도
남의 나라와 민족을 침략하거나 약탈하지 않은 홍익인간의 맥이 뛰고 있는 선민입니다.
더 나아가 한국의 역사 속에는 인간 삶의 근본 덕목이 되는 효와 충과 열의 혼이 살아 숨 쉬고 있습니다.
같은 처녀의 나이에 자신의 몸을 바다에 던져 늙은 아버지의 눈을 뜨게 해주었던 효녀 심청의 참된 효성이야말로 부모를 섬기고
모시는 한국인들의 효의 기준입니다. 부군과의 약속을 하늘처럼 받들고 생명을 내어놓는 자리까지 나아갔던 춘향의 애절한 사랑과 절개는
모든 한국 여성들의 삶의 푯대가 되어 있습니다. 자신을 버린 왕과 지도자들 앞에서도 백의종군으로 목숨을 바쳐 국가와 민족을 구한
이순신 장군의 백절불굴의 충성이야말로 한민족의 자랑이요 기개입니다.
이런 숭고한 전통들은 우연히 역사상에 나타난 한낱 사건들이 아닙니다. 하늘이 이 민족을 준비하고, 그 전통 위에 메시아를 세우기 위한 기대 섭리였던 것입니다. 그리하여 마침내 이 한반도의 정기를 타고 인류의 참부모요, 만왕의 왕께서 하늘의 인침을 받고 현현하시게 된 것입니다.
인류의 갈 길
경하는 귀빈 여러분, 이제 인류의 갈 길은 확실해졌습니다. 하늘이 참부모님을 통해 밝혀주신 디데이(D-Day)를 앞에 놓고 주저할
것이 무엇이 있겠습니까? 이제 919일밖에 남지 않았습니다. 여러분의 바쁜 장도에는 하늘의 축복이 함께하실 것입니다.
류 역사의 흐름을 섭리사적 눈으로 살펴보면 시대의 변천은 크게 3단계로 대별됩니다. 첫째는 ‘물정시대’, 즉 물본주의적 물질 우선
시대입니다. 그리고 두 번째로는 ‘인정시대’, 즉 인간의 지식과 감정을 앞세워 세계를 지배해 왔던 인간 중심주의 시대입니다.
러나 이런 시대는 과도기적 시대입니다. 인간이 타락성을 벗어던지고 본연의 모습을 찾아, 하나님을 아버지로 모시고 통일된 한 가족을
이루어 사는 시대로 진입하는 데 거쳐야 할 과정적인 시대라는 것입니다. 결혼축복을 통해 내외 양면으로 성별된 터 위에 절대적인
기준을 세우고, ‘위하는 삶의 길’을 가야 할 마지막 단계의 시대가 ‘천정시대’입니다. 즉, 한 분 하나님의 심정에 회귀되는
천일국의 시대를 열어가고 있는 때가 오늘 우리가 살고 있는 바로 이 시대라는 것을 명심 또 명심하시기 바랍니다.
적 천일국 시대가 펼쳐지면 이 땅 위에 ‘영연세협회’가 중심 축의 자리에 서서 비로소 만유를 치리하게 될 것입니다. 영계와 육계를
연결하여 실질적인 통일을 완성하고 천리와 천도로 섭리를 경륜하게 된다는 뜻입니다. 이 땅에서 세속적인 차원의 선거를 더 이상 볼
수 없게 될 것이며, 교체축복결혼을 통해 인류는 한 가족이 되어 태평성대를 누리면서 평화와 행복을 즐기게 될 것입니다. 그런
날이 이제 우리 눈앞에 다가오고 있다는 것입니다.
그날을 준비하는 일환으로 본인은 올해 2월14일을 기해 ‘천력’의 출발을 만천하에 선포했습니다. 기존의 양력과 음력은 이제 가인과 아벨의 입장에 서서, 새로이 섭리를 기록하고 명시하는 ‘천력’을 보조하는 역할을 하게 될 것입니다.
제 여러분은 참부모님의 가르침을 뼈에 아로새겨 실천하는 삶을 살아야 할 것입니다. 선택의 여지가 없습니다. 지금부터 준비하지
않으면 분명히 낙오자가 될 것이기 때문입니다. 7000m가 넘는 히말라야 산맥을 넘나들며 월동을 하는 재두루미의 용기와 기개를
우리도 배워야 할 것입니다.
인류를 위한 유언
여러분, 참부모께서는 벌써
인류를 위한 유언을 준비해 남겼습니다. 일생에 여섯 일곱 번이나 생사를 넘나드는 옥고를 치르면서도 승리하여 준비한 유언서입니다.
영원한 인류의 교재·교본으로 여덟 종류의 책을 남겼습니다. 권수로 말하면 1000여권이 넘는 분량입니다. ‘문선명선생 말씀
선집’, ‘원리강론’, ‘천성경’, ‘가정맹세’, ‘평화신경’, ‘천국을 여는 문 참가정’, ‘평화의 주인 혈통의 주인’,
‘세계경전’ 이렇게 여덟 종류의 서적입니다. 이 교본들은 여러분이 영계에 들어가서도 읽고 공부해야 할 책들입니다. 결코 인간의
두뇌에서 나온 말이나 가르침이 아닙니다. 하늘이 불쌍한 인류를 구원하기 위해 주신 천도를 가르치는 교재, 교본이기 때문입니다.
러분은 이제 먼저 여러분의 가정에서 위에 열거한 교재·교본을 중심 삼고 훈독회의 전통을 세워야 할 것입니다. 한 가족 3대가
새날을 시작하면서 먼저 하늘의 말씀을 훈독하고, 새로운 마음으로 훈독의 삶을 실천하는 전통을 세우라는 것입니다. 영계와 육계가
동시에 참부모님을 모시고 같은 천도의 말씀을 매일 훈독하는 세상을 만들자는 것입니다. 이렇게 되면 제아무리 사탄이 여러분의 혈통을
타고 앉아 준동할지라도 훈독회의 전통 앞에서는 설 자리가 없어지는 것입니다. 정오정착적 기준에서 그림자 없는 삶을 살아가는 그런
가정에 하나님의 축복이 내리지 않는다면, 어느 누구에게 주시겠습니까? 이런 하늘의 가정들이 이 땅에 가득할 때 이 지구성은
자동적으로 ‘하나님 아래 한 가족’의 뜻이 완성된 지상·천상천국이 될 것입니다.
여러분, 본인의 일생을 솔직담백하게 담아 내어놓은 자서전이 작년에 출간되
었습니다. 본인은 이 책을 통해 인류를 위한 하늘의 뜻이 어디에 있으며, 자식 된 우리 인간으로서 걸어야 할 길이 어디 있는가를
자세하게 보여주었습니다. 초부득삼, 칠전팔기의 전형적인 삶이었습니다. 본인은 이 책 또한 훈독 교본·교재 못지않게 실증적 차원에서
참된 진리의 삶을 보여주는 교본이라고 자신하고 여러분께 권하는 바입니다. 천명을 따라 구십평생을 걸어온 본인의 삶을 가감 없이
담아놓은 이 참사랑의 기록을 다시 한번 정독하시어 큰 깨달음을 받으시기 바랍니다.
정오정착의 삶은 그림자를 만들지
않는 삶이라고 했습니다. 우리 모두가 발광체가 되어 빛을 주는 삶을 산다면 그림자가 생길 틈이 없습니다. 받는 자는 빚을 지는
자입니다. 여러분 모두는 이제 그 빚을 갚기 위해 불쌍하고 가난한 자의 눈물을 닦아주고, 어두운 곳을 밝혀주는 영원한 참사랑의
발광체 된 삶을 사시기 바랍니다.
천지인부모 시대 선포
여러분, 지난 천력
5월8일 새벽 2시20분과 5월15일 새벽 3시25분 이렇게 양일에 걸쳐 미국 라스베이거스에서 하나님을 중심 삼은 천지인
참부모님의 특별선포가 있었습니다. 그런데 여기서 3시25분의 3수는 초부득삼의 3시대를 대표하기도 하며 구약·신약·성약의 3시대를
상징하는 수입니다. 그리고 25분의 25수는 100의 4분의 1을 상징합니다. 이제 참부모님 양위분께서는 최종일체를 이루어
완성·완결·완료의 기준에서 전체·전반·전권·전능의 시대를 봉헌 선포하신 것입니다.
더불어 알렉산더 헤이그 미국 국무장관의 승화식을 계기로 중생·부활 승화식을 생애노정 중에 완료하기 위한 제1, 제2, 제3 이스라엘 승리식을 한국으로 이양함을 선포했습니다.
그리하여 이제 하나님의 조국과 고향은 한국이 됩니다. 한국을 하나님의 조국으로 발표함으로써 ‘천지인 참부모 정착 실체 말씀 선포대회’도 한국에서 완성을 보게 됩니다. 일자는 7월8일로 선포되었습니다.
이로써 천주의 모든 경계선이 철폐됩니다. 따라서 자주적 하나님을 중심으로 하고 천지가 밤낮없이 하나님의 치리 하에 천지인 참부모님의 도움을 받아 영원히 존속하게 됩니다.
귀빈 여러분, 이런 심각하고 귀한 시대를 맞이하여 여러분의 삶에도 이제 혁명적인 천주적 변화가 와야 할 것입니다. 그런 의미에서 하늘이 주시는 오늘의 메시지를 다시 한번 요약해 봅니다.
째, 모든 축복가정은 먼저 가정 안에서 하나님을 중심에 모시고 부모와 자녀가 완전 하나가 되는 훈독교육을 매일 실천하라는
것입니다. 원리교육, 참부모님께서 주신 교재·교본 교육, 참부모님 자서전 내용 교육, 그리고 원리본체론의 절대성 교육을 철저히
해야 한다는 것입니다.
둘째, 하늘은 이제 중생과 부활의 승화권 은사를 가정 단위까지 허락하셨다는 것입니다. 여기에는 부모와 자녀 간의 완전일체를 필요조건으로 하고 있습니다. 절대부모, 절대자녀의 기준을 세워 절대가정을 세우라는 것입니다.
째, 참부모님의 피땀어린 고난의 은사로 인류는 이제 탕감복귀시대권을 벗어났다는 것입니다. 따라서 우리 모두는 참부모님 재세시에
가정, 종족, 민족, 국가, 세계까지 지옥권을 해방해야 할 책임이 있다는 것을 잊지 말아야 할 것입니다. 탕감복귀시대가 끝났으니
무슨 시대가 도래하겠습니까? 하나님과 참부모님을 중심 삼은 승리권의 태평성대만이 영원하게 될 것입니다.
우리는 이제 하나님의 직접주관권 시대로 진입하고 있다는 점입니다. 여러분, 하늘이 선포한 디데이가 3년도 채 남지 않았다고
했습니다. 영계의 가족까지도 지상재림시켜 원리본체론 교육을 받게 하고, 한 가정에서 8대까지 동고동락하며 함께 살아야 할
천주안식권 시대에 들어섰다는 사실을 명심 또 명심하시기 바랍니다. 아∼주!
다시 한번 오늘 이 섭리적인 행사를
빛내주기 위해 왕림해 주신 여러분께 거듭 심심한 감사의 뜻을 전합니다. 부디 건강하시고 하늘의 사랑을 받는 삶을 사시어, 우리가
다시 만날 때는 더 큰 존귀와 영광을 하나님께 돌려드릴 수 있게 되기를 빌겠습니다.
여러분과 여러분의 가정, 그리고 국가 위에 만왕의 왕 하나님의 축복이 함께하시길 축원합니다. 감사합니다.
(2010/07/08, 天正宮博物館)
というのでしょか。このような天の家庭がこの地に満ちるとき、この地球星は自動的「One Family Under
(俄文 Russian)
Встреча для провозглашения Слова,
прочно утверждающего Истинных Родителей
небес, земли и человечества
8 июля 2010 года
Чхонджонгун, Чхонпхён, Корея
Уважаемые лидеры со всего мира, достопочтенные гости из Кореи и других стран, дамы и господа!
Представляя Истинную Семью Истинных Родителей, Республику Корея и благословленные семьи по всему миру, приветствую всех уважаемых гостей и хочу выразить вам свою сердечную признательность. Вы приехали сюда, несмотря на вашу большую занятость для участия в этой провиденциальной встрече для провозглашения Слова, прочно утверждающего Истинных Родителей небес, земли и человечества. В этом году тысячи лидеров и представителей 120 стран мира почтили своим присутствием нашу золотую свадьбу и церемонию коронации, а также памятный Фестиваль, прошедший в новом здании штаб-квартиры ООН. Хочу еще раз выразить вам свою признательность от лица всех жителей Республики Корея и всего человечества.
Дамы и господа, несколько месяцев тому назад я отпраздновал свое 90-летие и сделал первые шаги навстречу своему 100-летнему юбилею. Настало очень напряженное время в Божьем провидении. Мне была дарована долгая жизнь — гораздо более долгая, чем средняя продолжительность жизни в нашем мире. По случаю 50-й годовщины нашего бракосочетания мы проводим сегодня эту встречу, пригласив на нее гостей со всего мира. С провиденциальной точки зрения этот год не просто знаменует нашу золотую свадьбу. Это юбилейный год.
У нас четырнадцать детей; пятеро из них окончили Гарвардский университет. И еще у нас более сорока внуков, многие из которых тоже учатся там. Более того, бесчисленное множество добродетельных мужчин и женщин из 194 стран мира следуют за нами и признают нас Царями царей и Истинными Родителями.
За свою жизнь мы основали множество международных организаций и общественных институтов, призванных внести свой вклад в дело построения всеобщего мира. Мы без колебаний вкладывали огромные средства во многие сферы деятельности, включая межрелигиозные, межкультурные и общественные проекты, спорт, образование и СМИ, и успешно направляли эти инициативы с целью принести спасение человечеству и утвердить мир во всем мире.
Глядя на все эти достижения, люди могут сказать нам, что мы вполне заслужили право спокойно предаться воспоминаниям о былом и с удовольствием отпраздновать наш день рождения, приняв многочисленные добрые пожелания. Кто-то, быть может, даже посоветует мне забыть обо всем, расслабиться и наслаждаться успехами, достигнутыми за прожитые 90 лет!
Однако мы с женой не можем смотреть на свою жизнь, оценивая ее привычными мирскими мерками. Мы должны были завершить миссию живых Истинных Родителей, данную нам Богом, который Сам является вертикальным Истинным Родителем человечества. Сейчас, когда до победного завершения миссии реального построения Божьего Царства Чхонильгук на земле осталось всего три года, мы проживаем каждый наш день с еще более серьезным отношением, чем раньше.
Я посвятил всю свою жизнь освобождению Бога, абсолютного и единственного Истинного Родителя небес и земли, восстановлению Его позиции Родителя и спасению всего человечества, страдающего в царстве смерти, и возвращению всех людей в объятья Бога. Ради этого мне пришлось в одиночку преодолеть бесчисленные страдания, направляя к цели всеобщего спасения человечество, которое, подобно заблудшим и потерянным сиротам, блуждало в поисках родителей. Из-за грехопадения наших первых прародителей все люди рождаются в ложном родословии, и даже сейчас все без исключения продолжают блуждать в темноте и неведении, не в состоянии освободиться из оков сатаны. Как можем мы с женой в таких обстоятельствах, показывая 6,5-миллиардному населению Земли путь к созданию Царства Небесного на земле, не быть абсолютно серьезными?
Дамы и господа! Бог создал человека как Своего ребенка. Как изначальное абсолютное, уникальное, неизменное и вечное Существо, Бог создал человека, вложив в него всю Свою любовь и вдохнув в него вечную душу. Если бы не грехопадение, люди могли бы стать совершенными, как Бог, исполнить путь абсолютной веры, абсолютной любви и абсолютного послушания и обрести вечную жизнь.
Однако, к сожалению, все люди живут как потомки падших прародителей человечества. Для того чтобы жить совершенной жизнью, все без исключения люди должны получить жизнь посредством церемонии Благословения от Истинных Родителей, пройдя три этапа: возрождение, воскрешение и наследование вечной жизни. В этом случае возрождение означает обретение человеком новой жизни. Воскрешение — это обретение семьей и страной новой жизни, а наследование вечной жизни — это достижение совершенства всем человечеством и обретение вечной жизни на Божьей родине после установления Царства Небесного на земле и в духовном мире, а также служение Истинным Родителям, утвердившимся на положении Царя царей.
Ваши предки из духовного мира теперь вернутся на землю, следуя указаниям Истинных Родителей, которые как субстанциальное воплощение бестелесного Бога напрямую руководят жизнью и всем творением. Ваши предки пройдут через три этапа Благословения — возрождение, воскрешение и наследование вечной жизни — и получат от Истинных Родителей полное образование по Изначальному Божественному Принципу, который учит абсолютной сексуальной нравственности. Лишь тогда они смогут обрести право стать гражданами Чхонильгук и войти в изначальную сферу сынхва.
Мы можем легко увидеть, что жизнь каждого человека проходит три этапа. Все мы появляемся на свет по милости Бога и благодаря родительской любви. Первый этап жизни — это и долгий, и в то же время короткий 9-месячный период, который мы проводим в утробе матери. Мы все прошли через этот этап! Осознанно или нет, но мы все без исключения провели 9 месяцев в материнском чреве. Хотя женская матка по размеру меньше некоторых рисоварок, с точки зрения плода она больше всей Вселенной.
Что же можно сказать о рождении на втором этапе жизни, который проходит на земле? Какими словами описать борьбу новорожденного младенца, столкнувшегося лицом к лицу с совершенно неведомым новым миром? Первый одинокий крик новорожденного при встрече с огромным миром, который открывается ему при выходе из материнской утробы, — это благословение и празднование открытия нового времени и пространства, сулящего надежды на долгую будущую жизнь в течение ста лет.
Пользуясь этой милостью, все мы проживаем сейчас второй этап нашей жизни. Хотя сто лет значительно больше девяти месяцев жизни в утробе матери, прошу вас, не забывайте, что впереди нас ждет еще более долгий путь. Никто из нас не помнит обстоятельств жизни в утробе матери, к тому же сейчас мы всецело радуемся жизни в нашем огромном мире, однако все это — лишь подготовка к заключительному этапу нашей жизни в мире вечности.
Третий этап нашей жизни в мире вечности, куда мы сможем войти, достигнув совершенства, — это духовный мир. Люди, будучи потомками грехопадения, просто не способны представить себе этот мир. В этом мире мы не ограничены рамками времени и пространства. Подобно тому как плод в материнской утробе не может представить себе земную жизнь, мы, люди, живущие в земном мире и вдыхающие воздух, также не можем с легкостью понять духовный мир, в котором нам суждено родиться в своем духовном теле и жить, вдыхая истинную любовь.
Дамы и господа! Если мы не понимаем истинного значения смерти, перед лицом гибели мы будем дрожать от страха и испытывать ужас. Хотя история насчитывает уже более 6000 лет, не было никого, кто рассказал бы людям всю правду о смерти. И сейчас, в последние дни человеческой истории, мне, Истинному Родителю человечества, удалось раскрыть эту истину, этот небесный секрет.
Дамы и господа! Слово «смерть» священно. Это существительное вовсе не означает скорбь и страдания. Поэтому Истинные Родители создали новое слово — сынхва (вознесение), чтобы объяснить истинное значение смерти. Момент перехода в духовный мир — это время, когда мы вступаем в мир радости и победы, где мы пожинаем плоды нашей жизни на земле. Это время, когда оставшиеся на земле провожают ушедшего с радостью. Это время великого празднества. И мы должны плакать от радости, а не от горя. В этом смысл священной и благородной церемонии сынхва (церемонии вознесения и единства). Это первый шаг к вечной жизни в Божьих объятьях. Момент смерти должен стать еще более вдохновляющим, чем момент, когда невеста впервые входит в дом своего жениха.
Для того чтобы дать всем людям возможность испытать драгоценность вечной жизни, 18 марта в штаб-квартире ООН в Нью-Йорке я провел церемонию сынхва для мировых лидеров, недавно перешедших в духовный мир.
Вот имена тех, кого мы чествовали: бывший государственный секретарь США генерал Александр Хейг, руководивший бомбардировкой северокорейского лагеря Хыннам, в котором я был несправедливо заключен в тюрьму во время Корейской войны, и спасший таким образом мне жизнь; бывший президент Южной Кореи Ким Дэ Чжун, лауреат Нобелевской премии мира; тунисский дипломат и глава Миссии ООН по стабилизации в Гаити Хеди Аннаби, погибший во время землетрясения на Гаити в 2010 году; 100 сотрудников ООН, погибшие вместе с г-ном Аннаби; бывший президент Коста-Рики Родриго Карасо Одио, широко известный во всем мире как президент-миротворец; бывший президент Индонезии Абдурахман Вахид, посвятивший всю свою жизнь великой нации Индонезии, население которой насчитывает свыше 100 миллионов человек; бывший премьер-министр Исландии Стейнгримур Херманнссон, способствовавший организации встречи бывшего президента СССР Михаила Горбачева и бывшего президента США Рональда Рейгана, которая ускорила окончание Холодной войны; Хассен Шиссе из Сенегала, пользующийся уважением как образцовый и великий учитель ислама, а также индийский посол Лакшми Молл Сингхви, которого все население Индии, насчитывающее 1,1 миллиарда человек, почитает как Посла примирения и мира.
Есть еще ряд людей, которых мы хотим особенно вспомнить сегодня и благословить этой церемоний сынхва на переход в духовный мир. Уверен, вы все слышали о затонувшем недавно у берегов Кореи судне Чхонан, на борту которого внезапная смерть встретила 46 доблестных моряков, исполнявших свой гражданский долг. Мы с женой передали этим трагически погибшим морякам благодать благословения сынхва в ходе нашего турне выступлений в апреле по четырем городам Кореи.
Позже, во время еще одной подобной церемонии в американском Лас-Вегасе я передал благословение сынхва д-ру Рейко Кавасаки. Предок этой женщины в 17 поколении, Токугава Йеясу, в XVII веке объединил все острова японского архипелага. Она работала врачом в Лас-Вегасе, и недавно перешла в духовный мир, прожив жизнь в постоянном служении другим людям. Оказывая поддержку из духовного мира, она будет играть важную роль в таких странах как Корея, Япония и США, а также способствовать разрешению различных проблем в сферах политики и экономики ради построения всеобщего мира. Вот почему мы включили ее имя в список тех, кто получает это святое благословение сынхва.
Уважаемые лидеры! Люди, которых я только что упоминал, были настоящими альтруистами и филантропами. Однако ни один из них не может гарантированно попасть в мир вечной жизни, если не получит Благословение на брак и благословение церемонии сынхва, которые я провожу как Истинный Родитель, устраняя тем самым пропасть между Богом и человечеством, рожденным в результате грехопадения наших первых прародителей. Пожалуйста, отнеситесь к этому серьезнее.
Дамы и господа! В эту эпоху Бог провозгласил переход на Небесный календарь. Это серьезный момент в истории — время, когда все 6,5 миллиардов жителей Земли должны понять учение, завещанное мною, Истинным Родителем, ответственным за открытие врат вечной жизни для всего человечества. Пришло время поделиться благой вестью о явлении Истинных Родителей со всем миром. Пришло время почитать и наследовать традиции и дух корейского народа, который явил миру Истинных Родителей, утвердить Небесную традицию и построить всеобщий мир, объединив все 6,5 миллиардов людей с Организацией Объединенных Наций. С открытием эпохи Небесного календаря прошу вас, не забывайте о том, что благодать и святость церемонии сынхва позволяет каждому из нас унаследовать идеологию святых граждан Царства Небесного и отпраздновать освобождение Бога и всего человечества.
Таким образом будет достигнут идеал семьи, основанной на истинной любви. Кроме того, Бог и все человечество, а также небесный духовный мир и земной физический мир полностью объединятся, образуя Божье Царство мира на земле. Прошу вас, используйте эту возможность, чтобы выразить свою благодарность Богу и Истинным Родителям, открывшим для всех народов мира врата к церемонии Благословения на брак и церемонии сынхва, утверждая через Истинных Родителей новые традиции Божьего Царства Чхонильгук.
Давайте все вместе поаплодируем нашему Небесному Отцу за благодать драгоценной жизни, которую Он дарует нам, не требуя ничего взамен.
Дамы и господа! Какой путь должно выбрать сегодня человечество? Даже сейчас десятки миллионов невинных жизней ежегодно приносятся в жертву войнам, болезням, голоду и природным катаклизмам, возникающим во всех уголках нашей планеты. В любой сфере деятельности, как на личном, так и на групповом уровнях — будь то религия, политика, образование, культура или идеология, люди погрязли в болоте крайнего эгоизма и возвышают вокруг себя высокие стены. Мы живем в погибшем мире, в котором подлинные связи полностью разорваны.
В конце концов, все проблемы, поразившие человечество, могут быть решены только с помощью видения «Единой семьи под Богом» — иными словами, с помощью учения, основанного на истинной любви, которое мы с супругой как Истинные Родители получили от Небес и которому следуем и учим всю свою жизнь. Это единственный способ для человечества найти путь к миру и счастью.
Дамы и господа! Мы живем в историческую эпоху великих вселенских преобразований. Это — время великой вселенской революции, которая поможет нам изменить историю, объединить духовный и физический миры и создать идеальное Царство Небесное, о котором мечтал Бог с начала времен.
Мы не можем больше откладывать исполнение Его воли. Я уже провозгласил о том, что 13 января 2013 года станет «Днем основания». Этот день станет реальной отправной точкой и рождением Чхонильгук. Тем не менее, до этого дня осталось меньше трех лет!
Вот почему сейчас все люди должны послушно следовать наказу Небес. Мы столкнулись с неизбежностью, когда за три оставшихся года нам необходимо потрудиться с полной самоотдачей и даже с риском для жизни под руководством Истинных Родителей, исполняющих провиденциальную миссию на земле в качестве субстанциальных представителей Бога, Царя царей. Все добрые духи в духовном мире мобилизованы и уже движутся вперед, на шаг опережая вас.
Дамы и господа! Можете ли вы представить, какую боль испытал Бог в тот момент, когда прародители человечества, которых Он любил со всей силой Своей нерастраченной вечной любви, совершили грехопадение и исчезли во тьме, став частью сатанинского рода? Вы когда-нибудь просто думали о том, как наш Небесный Отец, страдая десятки тысяч лет от невыносимой боли, от которой немеют кости и сгорает плоть, со времен грехопадения вынужден был идти длинным и мрачным путем искупления, пытаясь спасти Своих потерянных детей? Многие ли из вас проливали свои слезы, стремясь днем и ночью утешить нашего Небесного Отца?
Дамы и господа! Бог тысячелетиями взращивал и подготавливал корейский народ. Все христиане признают, что ради спасения человечества 2000 лет назад Бог послал на землю Иисуса Христа, Своего единородного сына. Однако Иисуса постиг трагический конец.
Лидеры иудаизма и народ Израиля должны были принять Иисуса как Мессию и последовать за ним с абсолютной верой, абсолютной любовью и абсолютным послушанием. Ни при каких обстоятельствах они не должны были допустить распятия Иисуса. Он безвременно покинул наш мир, и его последние слова были: «Свершилось». Однако эти слова говорят лишь о духовном спасении. И теперь, после двух тысяч лет подготовки, Христос, явившись в свое Второе пришествие, смог собрать плоды своих трудов на Корейском полуострове.
Корейский народ издавна почитал Бога как высочайшего изначального Прародителя своих праотцов. Корейцы называли эту единую Сущность и Прародителя всех людей «Хананим», то есть Бог. Они служили Ему как Господу, сотворившему тьму и день. Так же, как все числа начинаются с единицы, все человечество происходит от единого Бога. Корейцы всегда служили Богу как своему изначальному Прародителю, и поэтому в душе и традициях нашего народа всегда был жив дух взаимозависимости, совместного процветания и всеобщих универсальных ценностей. Корейцы сохраняли этот дух на протяжении всей истории, и за все пять тысяч лет они никогда не нападали на другие страны и не вторгались на чужие территории. Дух доброжелательности ко всем людям до сих пор в крови корейского народа.
Основополагающие добродетели человеческой жизни — дух сыновней и дочерней почтительности, верности и преданности — все еще живы в истории корейского народа. Эти ценности, вобравшие в себя гордость и дух нашей нации, можно увидеть в корейских мужчинах и женщинах.
Я унаследовал такие традиционные корейские ценности, как истинная сыновняя и дочерняя почтительность (на примере сказания о Щимчон, преданной дочери, которая отдала свою жизнь, чтобы ее слепой отец начал видеть), искренняя любовь и верность (которая была проявлена Чунхьян, не побоявшейся смерти, чтобы сохранить верность клятве, данной ею своему жениху), а также непоколебимая преданность, проявленная адмиралом Ли Сун Щином, который пожертвовал жизнью ради спасения своей страны и своего народа, будучи брошенным своим царем и знатными людьми. Возвышенные ценности и традиции Кореи возникли не случайно: именно на их основе Небеса подготовили корейский народ. Все это было частью провидения по созданию основания для прихода Мессии. На основании такой подготовки, движимый вперед мощной энергетикой полуострова, я наконец явился в качестве Истинного Родителя человечества, Царя царей, отмеченного Небесной печатью.
Путь, который должно пройти человечество
Уважаемые гости, ваши превосходительства, дамы и господа! Путь, который должно пройти человечество, предельно ясен. Что может заставить вас усомниться в преддверии знаменательного дня, о котором Небеса возвестили нашими устами, устами Истинных Родителей? До этого дня осталось всего лишь 919 дней. Благословения Небес будут сопутствовать вам на вашем славном и нелегком пути.
Если проанализировать ход истории человечества с точки зрения Божьего провидения, мы увидим, что перемены эпох можно разбить примерно на три стадии. Первой будет эпоха мирских дел, то есть время господства материализма. Далее идет эпоха человеческих дел, эпоха гуманизма, когда над миром господствовали знания и эмоции.
Однако это были переходные эпохи — периоды подготовки, необходимые для вступления в эпоху, когда люди смогут избавиться от падшей природы, вернуться в свое первозданное состояние и жить как одна большая семья, почитающая Бога как Отца.
Эпоха небесных дел — это заключительный этап, когда человечество должно избрать путь жизни ради других, утвердив абсолютный эталон на основании внутреннего и внешнего очищения посредством участия в Церемонии святого Благословения на брак. Эпоха, в которую мы живем, — это время открытия эпохи Божьего Царства Чхонильгук, когда мы сможем вернуться к сердцу единого истинного Бога. Прошу вас, запечатлейте это в ваших сердцах еще раз.
С началом реальной эпохи Чхонильгук впервые объединятся духовный и физический миры, и все сущее окажется под владычеством Союза духовного и физического миров, который будет впервые утвержден на земле.
Более того, провидение будет осуществляться согласно Небесному закону и Небесному пути. Избирательные кампании и выборы, какими мы знаем их сейчас, полностью исчезнут с лица земли. Человечество станет единой семьей благодаря межкультурным бракам и Благословению ради всеобщего мира, и мы будем наслаждаться покоем и счастьем в священную эпоху мира. Говорю вам, этот день близок.
В рамках подготовки к этой эпохе несколько дней тому назад, 14 февраля, я провозгласил перед лицом небес и земли о вступлении в силу нового, Небесного календаря. Григорианский и лунный календари теперь будут занимать позиции Каина и Авеля и выполнять вспомогательную функцию для Небесного календаря, в соответствии с которым мы будем записывать и обозначать ход Божьего провидения.
Все вы должны запечатлеть слова Истинных Родителей глубоко в сердце и воплощать их в своей жизни. У нас нет выбора. Если мы сейчас не подготовимся, мы безнадежно отстанем. Мы должны учиться мужеству и стойкости у даурских журавлей, которые, спеша на зимовку, перелетают Гималаи, высота которых более 7000 метров.
Мое последнее послание к человечеству
Истинные Родители уже подготовили свое последнее послание к человечеству. Его основой стал опыт успешного преодоления шести или семи ситуаций жизни и смерти, включая шесть несправедливых тюремных заключений. Я оставил после себя восемь книг, которые должны стать учебным материалом для человечества на все времена. Они опубликованы в более чем тысяче томов.
Среди них — (1) Сборник проповедей преп. Мун Сон Мёна, (2) Божественный Принцип, (3) Чхонсонгён, (4) Обет семьи, (5) Пхёнхва щингён (Писания мира), (6) «Истинная семья: врата, ведущие на небеса», (7) «Хозяин мира, владыка родословия» и (8) «Всемирные Писания». Эти книги-учебники вы должны будете читать и изучать, даже когда перейдете в духовный мир. Это не просто слова или наставления, придуманные человеком; эти учебники учат Небесному пути, который Бог даровал Своим страдающим детям ради их спасения.
Теперь, используя перечисленные книги, вам нужно установить традицию хундокхве в своей семье — традицию, когда три поколения семьи начинают каждый новый день с чтения Слова Небес, и с новым сердцем практикуют прочитанное в своей жизни. Давайте создадим основание для того, чтобы духовный и физический миры могли вместе служить Истинным Родителям и вместе читать слова о Небесном пути.
Как только это произойдет, сатане уже больше не будет места перед лицом традиции хундокхве, как бы он ни старался тайно внедриться к вам и запятнать ваш род. Разве Божье благословение не снизойдет на семью, которая живет в полном соответствии с Божьей волей в мире полудня, где нет ни единой тени? Когда такие небесные семьи заполнят всю землю, наш мир автоматически станет Царством Небесным на земле и в духовном мире вечности, воплощая видение «Единой семьи под Богом».
Дамы и господа! В прошлом году была опубликована моя автобиография «Человек планеты, любящий мир», в которой изложен честный и откровенный рассказ о моей жизни. В этой книге, я очень ясно показал, где вы сможете узнать Божью волю для человечества и отыскать путь, по которому должны следовать люди, Божьи дети. Моя жизнь стала яркой иллюстрацией поговорки «Если не добьешься успеха сразу, пытайся снова и снова». Я верю в эту книгу не меньше, чем в перечисленные учебники и учебный материал хундокхве, поэтому я рекомендую вам свою автобиографию с уверенностью, что она явит вам живой пример жизни в соответствии с истинными принципами. Эта книга ничего не добавляет и не отнимает от девяноста лет моей жизни, которую я прожил, руководствуясь призывом Небес. Я молюсь о том, чтобы вы внимательно прочли это свидетельство истинной любви и смогли найти в нем огромное вдохновение.
Я уже говорил, что жизнь в мире полудня не отбрасывает никаких теней. Если мы сможем излучать свет и жить в сиянии, в нашей жизни не будет ни единой тени греха. Те, кто принимает свет, будут в долгу у света. Я молюсь о том, чтобы мы смогли утереть слезы несчастных и обездоленных людей и жить яркой жизнью в вечной истинной любви, способной рассеять любую тьму.
Провозглашение эпохи Родителей небес, земли и человечества
Дамы и господа! Истинные Родители небес, земли и человечества сделали в Лас-Вегасе особое Божье провозглашение. Первая часть этого провозглашения была сделана в 2 часа 20 минут утра на 8 день пятого месяца Небесного календаря (19 июня 2010 года), а вторая — в 3 часа 25 минут на 15 день пятого месяца Небесного календаря (26 июня 2010 года).
Почему 3 часа и 25 минут? Число «3» здесь символизирует три эпохи, подобно тому, как говорят «Успех приходит с третьей попытки». Это число также символизирует эпохи Ветхого, Нового и Завершенного заветов. Число «25» — это четверть от 100. Истинные Родители достигли полного единства и сделали провозглашение и приношение эпохи полной трансцендентности, полной имманентности, полной власти и всемогущества Бога, основанной на эталоне совершенства, окончания и завершенности.
Затем, проведя церемонию сынхва для бывшего государственного секретаря США генерала Александра Хейга, я провозгласил о переносе в Корею церемонии победы первого, второго и третьего Израилей, которая при моей жизни завершает церемонию возрождения, воскрешения и церемонию сынхва.
В итоге, Корея отныне стала Божьей отчизной и родиной. Провозгласив Корею Божьей родиной, мы можем провести в Корее эту встречу для провозглашения Слова, прочно утверждающего Истинных Родителей небес, земли и человечества. Я провозглашаю об этом сегодня, 8 июля.
Все барьеры на небесах и на земле были разрушены благодаря этой церемонии провозглашения. Следовательно, основываясь на полноправном Боге и с поддержкой Истинных Родителей небес, земли и человечества, небеса и земля отныне будут вечно пребывать под Божьим владычеством и днем и ночью.
Уважаемые гости! В это важное и ответственное время в вашей жизни должны произойти революционные перемены вселенского масштаба. В этой связи, давайте еще раз подытожим послание Небес, переданное вам сегодня.
Во-первых, все благословленные семьи должны, прежде всего, служить Богу как центру своей семьи и каждый день следовать принципу хундокхве, способному полностью объединить родителей и детей. Иными словами, вы должны тщательно изучать Божественный Принцип, учебники и учебный материал, переданные вам Истинными Родителями, автобиографию Истинного Отца, а также Изначальный Божественный Принцип, который учит абсолютной сексуальной нравственности.
Во-вторых, Небеса передали благодать сферы сынхва ради возрождения и воскрешения семьи. Необходимым условием при этом является совершенное единство между родителями и детьми. Иными словами, вы должны создать абсолютную семью, установив эталон абсолютных родителей и абсолютных детей.
В-третьих, благодаря благодати, дарованной Истинными Родителями, проливавшими пот и преодолевавшими трудности, человечество вышло из сферы эпохи восстановления искуплением. Поэтому, не забывайте о том, что все мы несем ответственность за освобождение наших семей, родов, народов, стран и всего мира из сферы ада при жизни Истинных Родителей. Какая эпоха наступает сейчас по окончании эпохи восстановления искуплением? Это вечная эпоха царства спокойствия и процветания в победной сфере, центром которой являются Бог и Истинные Родители.
В-четвертых, мы вступает в эпоху прямого владычества Бога. Дамы и господа! Я уже говорил вам, что до знаменательного дня, о котором провозгласили Небеса, осталось меньше трех лет. Прошу вас, запечатлейте в ваших сердцах тот факт, что мы уже вступили в эпоху сферы вселенской субботы, когда все ваши предки из духовного мира вернутся на землю, чтобы получить образование по Изначальному Божественному Принципу, и когда восемь поколений будут жить и трудиться вместе одной семьей. Аджу!
Я хотел бы еще раз сердечно поблагодарить вас за то, что вы почтили своим присутствием это провиденциальное событие. Я молюсь о вашем здоровье и о том, чтобы ваша жизнь была исполнена Божьей любви. И я надеюсь, что следующий раз мы с вами воздадим Богу еще больше почестей и славы!
Я молюсь о том, чтобы благословение Бога, Царя царей, снизошло на вас, на ваши семьи и ваши страны.
天地人真父母 定著實體聖言宣告大會(中文版 Chinese)
Встреча для провозглашения Слова,прочно утверждающего Истинных Родителей небес, земли и человечества
【中文】 【English】 【한국어】 【日本語】 【Россию】
On behalf of True Parents, True Family, the Republic of Korea, the United States of America, and
Unification Church members worldwide, I sincerely welcome and express my deepest appreciation to
you for coming to participate in this providential World Assembly to Proclaim the Embodiment of
God’s Word and the Era of the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind despite your busy schedules.
In this year alone, thousands of representatives and top leaders from 120 nations of the world
honored us with their presence on several occasions, including our Golden Anniversary, Coronation,
and various Legacy-of-Peace Memorial Festivals held at the UN building and in cities around the
United States and the world—making for many wonderful events. Once again, I would like to express
my appreciation on behalf of all the people of the Republic of Korea and all of humankind.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is a very eventful time in God’s providence. A few months ago I celebrated
my ninetieth birthday and took my first steps toward the hundredth year of my life. I have been blessed
with a long life, beyond the average human lifespan. My wife and I arranged for today’s world-level
celebration to commemorate our fiftieth wedding anniversary. From a providential point of view, this
year is not simply the year of our Golden Anniversary; it is also a Jubilee year.
We have fourteen children, of whom five have graduated from Harvard University. Among our
forty-plus grandchildren, several are already studying there. Moreover, a great number of good men
and women from 194 nations have come to recognize and follow us as the King and Queen of Peace
and the True Parents.
Throughout our lives, we have established many international organizations and institutions to
promote world peace. We have invested unreservedly in many fields including interreligious
cooperation, projects to benefit society, intercultural activities, sports, education and the media, and we
have successfully led these initiatives with the aim of promoting peace and bringing salvation to
After working to succeed in all these things, people would probably commend us, saying that we
deserve to look back and pleasantly enjoy the rest of our lives with the good wishes of all people. They
would probably encourage us to forget about everything and sit back and enjoy the successes achieved
during the past ninety years!
However, my wife and I cannot look at the lives we have led in such a worldly way. We have had to
complete the mission of the actual True Parents, given to us by God, Who is Himself the vertical True
Parent of all humankind. Now, with three years remaining in this mission to make God’s kingdom,
Cheon Il Guk, a reality, we are leading each day of our lives with more seriousness than ever before.
Throughout my life, I have offered myself for the liberation of God, the one and only True Parent of
heaven and earth, to restore to Him His rightful position as parent, to save all of human beings who
suffer in the realm of death, and to return them to God’s bosom. For this purpose I have persevered and
World Assembly to Proclaim the Substantial
Word of God and the Era of the Parents
of Heaven, Earth and Humankind
triumphed, alone, over countless tribulations while leading the people of the world, who are like lost
and unaware orphans searching for their parents, toward the goal of global salvation. Due to the Fall,
brought about by our first ancestors, people are born into the false lineage. Every one without exception
wanders in darkness even now, unable to break free of Satan’s bondage. Under such circumstances,
how could my wife and I be anything less than completely serious in our lives as we show the 6.5
billion people of the world the way along the path toward the building of God’s kingdom on earth?
Three Stages of Creation
Ladies and gentlemen, God created human beings as His children. As the original absolute, unique,
unchanging and eternal being, God created people by breathing His love into them to endow them
with a soul. If not for the Fall, we would have been able to perfect ourselves as God is perfect, to fulfill
the way of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, and to attain eternal life.
But unfortunately, human beings are living as descendants of the Fall. In order to live a perfect life,
all people without exception must receive life through the blessing from True Parents in the three
stages of rebirth, resurrection and eternal life. Rebirth, in this context, refers to an individual attaining
new life. Resurrection is when a family and nation attains new life, and eternal life refers to all of
humankind attaining perfection and living forever in God’s homeland after establishing the kingdom
of heaven on earth and in the spirit world by attending True Parents, the King and Queen of Peace.
Your ancestors who are in the spirit world shall now return to this earth according to the time of the
True Parents who directly govern all life and all things as the substantial entity of God who exists
without form. They will go through the three-stage blessings of rebirth, resurrection and eternal life
and complete the Original Divine Principle education — the education on absolute marital fidelity —
organized by True Parents. Only then can they take part in the original authority granted by the
seunghwa — ascension and liberation — and attain the qualifications to become citizens of Cheon Il
We can see that each person’s life goes through three stages. Everyone is conceived through the grace
of God and the love of his or her parents. The first stage of life is the long (yet short) nine months spent
in the mother’s womb. No one is exempt from this! Whether we are conscious of it or not at the time,
all of us without exception spend nine months in our mother’s womb. Even though a woman’s womb
is smaller than some rice cookers, from the perspective of a fetus, it is larger than the entire universe.
What about our birth into the second stage of our lives, which occurs on earth? How could we find
words adequate to describe the struggle of a newborn baby as it is faced with a completely unfamiliar,
new world? The first lonely cry of a newborn as it experiences the large and wide world that it finds
upon exiting the womb represents the promise of a one-hundred-year future, the blessing and
celebration of entering a new time and space.
We have all received the blessing of birth that enabled us to live in the second stage of our lives.
Although a hundred years is much longer than the nine months we spend in the womb, please do not
forget that there is still a course we must follow to a higher end. Although we have all forgotten the
standard of consciousness that we possessed in our mother’s womb, and though you may think that
we are now enjoying our lives fully in this big, wide world with a higher standard of consciousness,
there is yet one final stage of our lives, which is the way toward eternal life.
That third stage occurs in the world of eternal life, the spirit world, which we enter upon ending our
life on this earth. We were originally meant to enter the spirit world having first perfected our spirits
during our life on earth. It is a world that cannot be imagined by people descended from the Fall, a
world in which we transcend time and space. Just as the fetus in his or her mother’s womb cannot
imagine life on earth, we, as people living and breathing air in this earthly world, cannot easily
understand the spirit world, where we will be reborn in our spiritual bodies, living and breathing true
Ladies and gentlemen, as people face death, they may tremble in fear and terror if they do not
understand the true meaning of passing on. Although human history has continued for more than six
thousand years, no one, unfortunately, has clearly taught the truth regarding death. Now, in the Last
Days of history, I have been able to reveal this truth, this heavenly secret, as the True Parent of
Ladies and gentlemen, the word “death” is sacred. It is not a synonym for “sadness and suffering.”
True Parents have created the term seunghwa [ascension] to explain the true significance of death. The
moment we enter the spirit world should be a time that we enter a world of joy and victory with the
fruits born of our lives on earth. It is a time for those of us remaining on earth to send off the departed
with joy. It should be a time for great celebration. We should be shedding tears of joy instead of tears of
sadness. That is the way of the sacred and noble Seunghwa Ceremony. The Seunghwa Ceremony is the
first step the spirit of the departed takes toward enjoying eternal life in attendance of God, within His
embrace. At the moment of death, our spirits should feel more excited and thrilled than a newlywed
bride feels when she goes to her groom’s home for the first time.
In order to open the door for all people to experience this kind of precious eternal life, I held a
Seunghwa Ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in New York on March 18 in honor of world
leaders who had recently passed into the next world.
The following are the names of those commemorated on that occasion:
General Alexander Haig, a former U.S. Secretary of State, who with the UN forces saved my life by
leading the bombing of the North Korean Hungnam Special Labor Camp where I was imprisoned
during the Korean War; Mr. Kim Dae-jung, a former South Korean president, who won the Nobel
Peace Prize; Mr. Hédi Annabi, a Tunisian diplomat and head of the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti,
who died in the 2010 Haitian earthquake; the one hundred UN workers who died alongside Mr.
Annabi; Mr. Rodrigo Carazo Odio, a former president of Costa Rica, who is known internationally as
“the Peace President”; Mr. Abdurrahman Wahid, a former president of Indonesia, who gave his entire
life for the sake of his great nation; Mr. Steingrimur Hermannsson, a former prime minister of Iceland,
who helped host the meeting of then Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and United States President
Ronald Reagan, which accelerated the end of the Cold War; Shaykh Hassan Cissé of Senegal, who is
respected as a great scholar of Islamic authority; and Mr. Laxmi Mall Singhvi of India, who is praised
as the “Ambassador of Reconciliation and Peace” by India’s 1.1 billion people.
There are other people whom we would especially like to remember through this ceremony and
send to the spirit world with the Seunghwa Blessing. I’m sure you have already heard about the recent
sinking of the ship Cheonan in Korea where 46 sailors suddenly lost their lives in the course of duty.
During my four-city speaking tour in Korea in April, my wife and I bestowed the grace of the Seunghwa
Blessing on these unfortunate seamen who died.
Later, during another event at Las Vegas, USA, I bestowed the Seunghwa Blessing on Dr. Reiko
Kawasaki, a 17th-generation descendant of Tokugawa Ieyasu, the last shogun in Japanese history, who
united the Japanese archipelago in the 17th century. She was a medical doctor from Las Vegas, and
recently passed away after living a life of continuous service to others. Before her passing, she played
an important role for the sake of the realization of world peace by setting a foundation for the future
resolution of various issues in Korea, Japan and the United States, including political and economic
issues. Thus, I have included her in the list of those who will receive this sacred Seunghwa Blessing.
Distinguished leaders, although the lives of the people whose names I mentioned were altruistic and
philanthropic, none of them can be guaranteed entry into the world of eternal life without receiving the
marriage blessing and the Seunghwa Blessing of the True Parent [Rev. Moon] in this world today, in
which the parent-child relationship between God and humankind was severed due to the Fall of the
first ancestors. Please take this point seriously.
Ladies and gentlemen, this era, when God has introduced the heavenly calendar, is a serious one. It
is now the time in which all 6.5 billion of the world’s people must understand my teachings, which I
bequeath as the True Parent who is responsible to give eternal life to all of humankind. Now is a time
that you can share the good news of the coming of the True Parents throughout the entire world. The
time has come to honor and inherit the tradition and spirit of the Korean people, from which the True
Parents emerged, establish the heavenly tradition, and bring about world peace by uniting all 6.5 billion
people of the world with the United Nations. With the start of the heavenly calendar, please do not
forget that the Seunghwa Blessing Ceremony is a sacred rite in which anyone can inherit the worldview
of a holy citizen of the kingdom of heaven and celebrate God’s liberation and all humankind’s liberation.
In this way, the ideal of a family based on true love can be completed, and God and all people, the
heavenly spirit world and the earthly physical world, can be completely united to usher in a reign of
peace over the world. Please take this time to express your gratitude to God and True Parents for giving
the keys of the Blessing Ceremony and Seunghwa Ceremony to all the world’s nations, allowing for the
establishment of the traditions of God’s kingdom, Cheon Il Guk, through True Parents.
Please join me in giving a round of applause to our Heavenly Father for His benevolence, through
which we can receive the grace of precious life without Him asking for anything in return.
One Family Under God
Ladies and gentlemen, what is the path that humankind should take today? Even now tens of
millions of innocent lives are being lost each year to war, disease, starvation and natural disasters that
arise in all parts of the world. In every field you observe, from the individual to the collective level —
whether religion, politics, education, culture or ideology — people are deeply mired in the swamp of
self-centered egoism, raising walls around themselves. We now live in a world brought to ruin, where
genuine communication has broken down.
Ultimately, the problems afflicting humanity can only be resolved through the worldview of One
Family under God, in other words, the ideology based on true love, which my wife and I, the True
Parents, have learned from Heaven and have championed and taught throughout our lives. This is the
only way for humankind to find the path toward peace and happiness.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are living in a historic time of great cosmic transition. It is a time for a great
cosmic revolution to change history, to unite the spiritual and physical worlds and to create the ideal
kingdom of heaven that God has longed for since the beginning of time.
We can no longer postpone or prolong the fulfillment of His wish. I have already proclaimed that
January 13, 2013 will be “Foundation Day.” That day will be the actual beginning of God’s Kingdom of
Cheon Il Guk. That day will be the origin. Yet, less than three years remain until then.
Therefore, it is time for all people to be humbly obedient to Heaven’s decree. An unavoidable time is
upon us today when we must invest ourselves completely with a life or death commitment for these
remaining three years under the guidance of the True Parents who carry out the providence on earth
as the substantial representatives of God, the king of kings. All the good spirits in the spirit world are
mobilized and are already moving forward, a step ahead of you.
Ladies and gentlemen, do you have any idea how much pain God suffered the moment our first
ancestors, into whom God had invested His complete and unreserved devotion since time immemorial,
fell and disappeared into darkness, becoming part of Satan’s lineage? Are you even remotely aware
that our Heavenly Father — who endured tens of thousands of years of excruciating heartache so great
that His bones shed tears and His flesh quivered — had to go through the long, dark tunnel of
indemnifying the human Fall in order to save His lost children? How many of you have spent days and
nights in tears, yearning to comfort our Father in Heaven?
The Mission of the Korean People
Ladies and gentlemen, God raised and prepared the Korean people over a period of thousands of
years. All people of the Christian faith recognize that God sent His true son Jesus Christ to earth two
thousand years ago to save humankind. However, Jesus suffered a miserable fate.
The leaders of Judaism and the people of Israel were supposed to receive Jesus as the Messiah and
follow him with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. They should never have allowed
Jesus’ crucifixion to take place.
He suddenly left this world, leaving behind the words, “It is finished.” Yet these words apply to
salvation in the spiritual reality only. After two thousand years of preparation, his Second Coming, on
the Korean Peninsula, has finally borne the fruits of his labor.
From the past, the Korean people have worshiped God as the highest and primal ancestor of their
forefathers. They called that single being and progenitor of all people the “One”—in other words, God.
They served Him as the lord (who created night and day). Thus, all numbers begin from one and two.
With the sense that He is their original ancestor, the Korean people have served God and thus the spirit
of interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values is alive in the soul and tradition
of the race. They have maintained themselves over five thousand years of history, yet not once have
they invaded or plundered another nation or people. The spirit of benefiting all mankind still flows in
the veins of the Korean people.
The spirit of filial piety, fidelity, and loyalty, which are the fundamental virtues of human life, are still
alive and breathing in Korean history. These values can be found in the men and women of Korea and
reflect the pride and spirit of the Korean people.
I have inherited such traditional values as the true filial piety exemplified in the folk tale Shimcheong,
about a devoted daughter who offered her life so that her blind father could see; the profound love and
fidelity displayed by Choonhyang, who overcame the fear of death in order to keep the promise she
had made to her husband; and the unbreakable loyalty exhibited by Admiral Yi Soon-shin, who gave
his life to save his nation and people despite being abandoned by his king and other leaders. These
lofty Korean values and traditions are not just matters of historical chance. Based on these values,
Heaven has prepared this people; this was all part of the providence of creating a foundation to send
the returning Messiah. On the foundation of such preparation, and riding on the energy of this
peninsula, I finally came, having received Heaven’s seal as the True Parent of humankind and the king
of kings.
The Path Humankind Should Take
Distinguished Guests, your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The path that humanity must now take is clear. What would give you cause to hesitate in the face of
the D-day that Heaven has revealed through us, the True Parents? There are now only 903 days
remaining. Heaven’s blessings will be with you on your ambitious and busy course.
If you view the flow of history through eyes that focus on God’s providence, you can see that the
changes of the times can be broadly classified into three stages. First is the “era of worldly matters,” in
other words, a time when materialism took precedence. Next came the “era of human affairs,” a
humanistic era when peoples’ knowledge and emotions took precedence in and dominated the world.
However, these eras were transitional. They were courses of preparation necessary in order to enter
the era in which people could rid themselves of their fallen nature, return to their original selves and
live as one united family where they attend God as their father.
The “era of heavenly affairs” is the final stage, in which human beings should follow the path of
living for the sake of others. They should do this through establishing an absolute standard on the
foundation of purifying themselves, both inside and out, through the holy Blessing Ceremony. This is
the time of opening up the era of God’s kingdom, Cheon Il Guk, a time in which we can return to the
heart of the one true God. Please engrave this point on your hearts.
Once the actual era of Cheon Il Guk begins, the spiritual and earthly worlds will be connected and
brought into oneness, and all things will be governed under the Union of the Spiritual and Physical
Worlds, which will be established on earth for the first time. Moreover, the providence will be carried
out according to the heavenly law and the heavenly way. Elections conducted in a purely secular
fashion will disappear from the face of the earth. All people will become one family through crosscultural
marriage and the World Peace Marriage Blessing, and we will enjoy tranquility and happiness
in the sacred reign of peace. Let me say it again: this day is drawing near.
As part of preparing for that time, a few months ago, on February 14, I proclaimed to all of heaven
and earth the start of the new heavenly calendar. The Gregorian calendar and lunar calendar shall now
stand in the positions of Cain and Abel and serve the role of supporting the heavenly calendar, by
which we will record and indicate the progress of God’s providence.
You must all now engrave True Parents’ teachings onto your bones and practice them in your life. We
have no choice. If we do not prepare now, we will surely be left behind. We should learn from the
courage and fortitude of the white-necked cranes that fly across the Himalayas — which are more than
seven thousand meters high — in preparation for winter.
My Final Words for Humankind
True Parents have already prepared the last words I will give to humankind. These have been
prepared based on my triumphs over six or seven life-or-death situations, including six periods of
unjust imprisonment. I am leaving behind eight textbooks and teaching materials for humankind to
use for all eternity. Altogether, these are published in almost a thousand volumes.
They are The Sermons of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, Exposition of the Divine Principle, Cheon
Seong Gyeong [Heavenly Scripture], The Family Pledge, Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong [Messages of
Peace], True Families—Gateway to Heaven, Owner of Peace and Owner of Lineage and World Scripture.
These are textbooks you will have to read and study even after you go to the spirit world. They are not
just teachings that come from the mind of one person; they are textbooks and teaching materials that
teach the heavenly way that God has granted to His suffering children for their salvation.
You should now set up the hoondokhae study tradition in your families using the books I have
mentioned. That is the tradition where three generations of a family start each day by reading Heaven’s
word, and lead a life of practicing what they read, with a new heart. Let’s create a world where people
in the spirit world and the earthly world can both attend True Parents at the same time, and read the
word on the heavenly path together.
Once this happens, no matter how hard Satan may try to worm his way in to infest your lineage, once
he encounters the hoondokhae tradition he will find no room to move. If a family is aligned with God
as at high noon, where no shadow is cast, and still does not receive God’s blessings, who then could be
deserving of them? When such heavenly families fill the earth, the world will automatically become the
heavenly kingdom on earth and in the eternal spirit world, fulfilling the vision of one family under
Ladies and gentlemen, last year, my memoirs, As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen, an honest and
candid account of my life, were published. Through this book I share how I discovered God’s will for
humankind and the path that we, as God’s children, should follow. My life has been a typical model of
the saying, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try again.” I have as much faith in this book as in the
hoondok textbooks and teaching materials I have mentioned. For this reason, I recommend it to you,
believing that it will show you how to lead your lives according to true principles. It does not subtract
or add anything to the ninety years of my life, which I have led under Heaven’s decree. I pray you will
carefully read this articulation of true love and find great inspiration.
I have already mentioned that a life of vertical “noon-time” alignment casts no shadow. If we can all
shine as we live such glowing lives, there will be no chance for the shadow of sin to be cast. Those who
receive the light will be indebted to the light. I pray that we can now wipe away the tears of people in
misery and poverty, and lead an illuminated life of eternal true love that dissipates all darkness.
Proclamation of the Era of the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind
Ladies and gentlemen, a month ago in Las Vegas, there was a special proclamation centered on God
that was given by the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind on two separate days—one part
at 2:20 am on the 8th day of the 5th month of the Heavenly Calendar (June 19, 2010) and the other at
3:25 am, on the 15th day of the 5th month of the Heavenly Calendar (June 26, 2010).
The number 3 from 3:25 am represents the three eras from the saying “Success comes at the third
attempt.” It also symbolizes the Old, New and Completed Testament ages. Twenty-five minutes, or the
number 25, is a quarter of one hundred. The True Parents have achieved ultimate unity and offered and
proclaimed the era of [God’s] full transcendence, full immanence, full authority and omnipotence upon
the standard of perfection, completion and conclusion.
Furthermore, with the Seunghwa Ceremony for former United States Secretary of State General
Alexander Haig, I proclaimed that the ceremony for the victory of the first, second, and third Israels,
which completed the ceremonies for rebirth, resurrection and seunghwa during my lifetime, was
transferred to Korea.
Thus, Korea will now become God’s homeland and hometown. By proclaiming that Korea is God’s
homeland, the Convention to Proclaim the Word that Firmly Establishes the True Parents of Heaven,
Earth and Humankind could be completed in Korea on July 8, 2010.
Through this proclamation ceremony, all the borderlines in the entire cosmos have been abolished.
Consequently, centering on the autonomous God, heaven and earth shall exist eternally, night and day,
under God’s reign and with the support of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.
Distinguished guests, at this serious and important time, a revolutionary and cosmic change must
now take place in your lives. Let us summarize the message Heaven has given to us today in light of
First, all blessed families should attend God at the center of their families and every day carry out
hoondok education, which can completely unite parents and children. In other words, you should
thoroughly teach the Divine Principle, the textbooks and teaching materials True Parents have
bequeathed, True Father’s autobiography, and absolute marital fidelity taught through the Original
Divine Principle.
Second, Heaven has permitted the grace of the authority of seunghwa for rebirth and resurrection to
be bestowed on the family unit. Here, a requisite condition is the complete unity between parents and
children. In other words, you must establish the standard for absolute parents and absolute children,
and establish an absolute family.
Third, humankind has moved out of the authority of the era of restoration through indemnity, thanks
to the grace of True Parents who have suffered hardships through which they sweat blood. Therefore,
do not forget the fact that during True Parents’ lifetimes we all have the responsibility to liberate
families, tribes, peoples, nations and the world from the authority of hell. Now that the era of restoration
through indemnity has ended, what kind of era is dawning? The reign of tranquility and prosperity in
the victorious authority centered on God and True Parents shall be eternal.
Fourth, we are now entering the era of the authority of God’s direct dominion. Ladies and gentlemen,
I have said that less than three years remain until the D-day proclaimed by Heaven. I beg that you
inscribe in your hearts the fact that we have entered the era of the authority of the cosmic Sabbath in
which your family members in the spirit world shall return to the earth to receive the Original Divine
Principle education, and where eight generations will live together in a single family. Aju!
Once again, I offer you my heartfelt thanks for your gracing this occasion with your presence and
celebrating this providential event. I pray that you will live in good health and in the abundance of
God’s love. It is my hope that we can offer greater glory and honor to God the next time we meet.
I pray that the blessings of God, the king of kings, will be upon you, your family and your nation.
Thank you very much.
A Unification Church benediction similar in
meaning to “Amen”
Blessing Ceremony
Throughout their lives, Reverend and Mrs. Moon
have advocated the marriage blessing as an
instrument of peace, bringing together people from
different racial, religious and cultural backgrounds,
breaking down barriers between entire nations to
create One Family Under God.
The Cheonan
A South Korean naval vessel allegedly sunk by a
North Korean torpedo in April this year, leading to
the death of 46 young Korean sailors. The tragedy
was the top priority in Korean political and social
life for several months.
Cheon Il Guk
The coming Kingdom of God on earth, the world
of peace. Also referred to as the ‘realm of the cosmic
sabbath,’ a time of reconciliation and peace.
A Korean historical romance, the story of
Choonhyang tells of her unbreakable commitment
to her fiancé, who is presumed dead after a long
absence. The story ends happily when he returns in
disguise and then reveals himself and his true
authority to the corrupt governor who tried to
seduce Choonhyang.
Foundation Day (January 13, 2013)
The target date that Reverend Moon has
announced for the beginning of God’s reign of
peace over the earth, or Cheon Il Guk.
Heavenly Calendar
On February 14th this year, (the first day of the
lunar new year) Reverend Moon proposed marking
the coming age of peace with a new calendar, based
on the lunar system widely used in Asia and the
Middle East, in which 2010 would be “Year 1.”
The practice of gathering together for daily
devotional and scriptural readings, usually early in
the morning.
Legacy of Peace
A series of memorial festivals held around the
world from March this year honoring the lives of
men and women who made significant contributions
to peace.
Original Divine Principle
The essential teachings of Reverend Moon with
particular emphasis on spiritual growth and ethical
marriage and family life.
Seunghwa Ceremony
In contrast to traditional funeral services, which
are often times of grieving and sorrow, the
seunghwa (ascension and liberation) service is a
joyful time of farewell, where the friends and family
of the deceased bid the newly ascended spirit a safe
return home to God, our heavenly parent.
The heroine of this much loved Korean story of
filial piety, Shimcheong, is willing to give her life in
order to save her blind and decrepit father. Her
exemplary behavior results in him being cured and
her becoming a royal princess.
True Parents
Reverend and Mrs. Moon were anointed and
appointed by God to be the True Parents, who are
to restore and mediate a renewed relationship
between the Heavenly Father and the entire human
Yi Soon-shin
Korea’s greatest military hero and patriot,
Admiral Yi Soon-shin, regarded by many naval
historians as superior even to Admiral Nelson of
England, defeated the vastly more numerous
Japanese fleet on several occasions, losing his life in
the final battle of Noryang in 1597.